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Lab yt!

Cynder------ella March 1, 2018 5:18 pm

Really, absolutely adore this. Even tho it didn't have word explanation of things that much but I understand each and every character on this manga. Why and how they carried their life decision is closed to reality. Like the second story. I understand the uke and im actually hapi he decided to divorce his wife. Coz if im the wife.. and living in that unloved atmosphere every day like a routine.. I probably just signed the divorce papers Fronto. And i, seeing the uke being happy as he leaves every thing that felt like weighing him.. he bacame happy and content even tho he left everything he have work his ass off for years and that kinda admirable coz in reality... who does that? Most of us live in a very own comfort zone. And living that zone is kinda hard. So That part of the uke is admirable for me. And i love happy endings despite all odds. And this mangaka was one of my fav creature in my world. I actually want more!!! lol
