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Mana0612 March 6, 2018 4:40 pm

Next chapter will be hotttt

    Aoki Kurokawa March 6, 2018 4:47 pm

    Or maybe dangerous like the shoot scene. I have the feeling the men might be under Mikhail's orders and pretended in front of Akihito that they're sent from Feilong : a trap ! :O

    Oshiete March 6, 2018 5:30 pm

    And wet ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    heyko March 6, 2018 5:52 pm
    Or maybe dangerous like the shoot scene. I have the feeling the men might be under Mikhail's orders and pretended in front of Akihito that they're sent from Feilong : a trap ! :O Aoki Kurokawa

    agree. Especially aki said the word "hostage" and the sentence "have an unpleasant feeling in my gut" Before getting in the car, and just after (in the helicopter) he sees an Asami drugged. Aki is intuitive. so he will understand something is wrong and he will act (how ? i do not know).

    Anonymous March 6, 2018 6:05 pm
    agree. Especially aki said the word "hostage" and the sentence "have an unpleasant feeling in my gut" Before getting in the car, and just after (in the helicopter) he sees an Asami drugged. Aki is intuitive. s... @heyko

    Aki is remembering Feilong taking him hostage and how badly Feilong's men treated him during that time. Now they're treating him like a hostage again. I think this is foreshadowing that Feilong is going to have Asami and Aki held captive somewhere.