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This was really cute but what was even the point of him coming form another world??? It di...

Awkward Froggy March 7, 2018 4:19 pm

This was really cute but what was even the point of him coming form another world??? It did nothing for the story? What about the little brother? Where is he, what happened to him? What about Jun's world? What's going on now that he's gone? What about the people who look like people from Jun's world? That didn't go anywhere! If the author wanted to make a cute fish-out-of-water story that's cool. But the supernatural elements were unnecessary

    Anonymous March 7, 2018 9:37 pm

    My thoughts exactly. Seems that they run out of ideas on how to continue or then had to abandon their original plan for some reason.

    Awkward Froggy March 8, 2018 2:12 am
    My thoughts exactly. Seems that they run out of ideas on how to continue or then had to abandon their original plan for some reason. @Anonymous

    I notice a lot of webtoons do that; build up a lot of suspense and subplots only to suddenly end. There's only a few I've read that ended cleanly

    Fraiser March 8, 2018 5:55 am

    Yes it's a shame that the author wasnt able to tie up any of those loose ends. I'm not sure if this is because this is their first story or not but it would've been very interesting to see since that's what hooked me in the beginning!

    Awkward Froggy March 8, 2018 9:16 pm
    Yes it's a shame that the author wasnt able to tie up any of those loose ends. I'm not sure if this is because this is their first story or not but it would've been very interesting to see since that's what hoo... Fraiser

    Agreed ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mameiha March 11, 2018 4:17 am

    The "other world" is an analogy for the feelings one feels when they lose a loved one. It really does feel like you have died yourself and woke up in a world you don't recognize. Every time you sleep, for a long time, you wake up expecting the nightmare to end. You search the faces of strangers hoping to see the person you lost. No matter how much you wish the world would just stop for a moment so you can get a grip on it, it never does. Slowly, the world forces you to live in it. The days pass and one day you notice that today sucked a little less than yesterday. You start to make a life with what is in front of you. I had a lover who died 25 years ago. When she had been gone longer than we were together, I began moving on. I'll love her until my last breath, but since I'm still alive, I had to keep living. This whole story is a fictionalized/fantasized version of those feelings.

    Yaoiholic March 15, 2018 2:52 pm

    So this have the similar outline like 'bride of the water god korean movie.'

    V May 12, 2018 11:36 pm
    The "other world" is an analogy for the feelings one feels when they lose a loved one. It really does feel like you have died yourself and woke up in a world you don't recognize. Every time you sleep, for a lon... Mameiha

    That's very moving and a great interpretation of this manhwa. However, the author provided no such plot or scenes that even suggested this interpretation( some of what you point out made sense but very little sense just cuz of the poor writing); by that i mean nobody(those who didn't experience your situation and those with common sense) would even get the slightest interpretation close to yours about this manwha because there's no substance. There's literally nothing.

    V May 12, 2018 11:37 pm
    I notice a lot of webtoons do that; build up a lot of suspense and subplots only to suddenly end. There's only a few I've read that ended cleanly Awkward Froggy

    Which webtoons you talking about?

    Awkward Froggy May 13, 2018 7:07 pm
    Which webtoons you talking about? @V

    What do mean? Good ones or bad ones? ? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Heavan and Hell Roman Company was good