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Chapter 49 summary. Jeff is trying to locate Haru using his choker(/collar). He is told t...

Hi March 8, 2018 1:04 pm

Chapter 49 summary.
Jeff is trying to locate Haru using his choker(/collar). He is told that they require the serial number of the choker. Jeff replies that he will call back. He calls Hana to ask for the serial number. When she doesn't pick up, he decides to stop his search and go home.
Hana runs to Haru. She demands to know where he has been. She asks him if he has any idea how worried she has been and how long she's been looking for him. She starts beating on his chest angrily for running away. She tells him that she had lied when she had told her that she didn't like him back. In fact, she loved him alot, so he better not even think of leaving her ever again. She realises that Haru is trembling. She notices Haru's wound and asks him how he got hurt. Suddenly Haru hugs her tight. Hana is surprised, and asks him what was wrong and what had happened. (Till now Haru hasn't spoken a single word)
Miho calls up Hana and Haru's father (Haru calls the doctor "father" and even when speaking to Hook, referred to him as "my father". He is such a sweet man. Plzzz I want to marry him) She tells him that Haru and Hana have both gone back to their respective rooms to sleep. She tells him that Haru won't say where he had gone. This makes the Doctor laugh. Miho tells him not to worry, since everything is alright.
In her room, Hana is tending to Haru's wounds. She asks if he is sure about not wanting her to take him to a hospital. She thinks that the wound will scar and that they should definitely go to their father's hospital in the morning.
Hana asks him why he won't tell her where he had gone and what had happened. He apologises and says that he had promised someone to keep it a secret. Hana isn't happy but she doesn't press the issue. She finishes treating the wound and covers it with a gauze pad. Haru thanks her and gets up to go back to his room, but Hana asks him to stay with her.
They both lie down next to each other on Hana's bed after switching off the lights. (First they share a room. Then he moves out. Now they share a bed. That's progress. Hana you naughty girl!). Hana nervously steals glances at Haru. Haru catches her doing it. When she tries to bring up how badly she had acted, he tells her that she is speaking unnecessary stuff again. He teases her on how she had acted when he had returned. She becomes embarassed and blames it on standing out in the cold for so long. She then moves close to Haru and puts her hand on his chest. She tells him that her answer to his confession was yes. They would do this together. If the world can't accept their love, then they just had to be careful and make sure that noone found out. She asks Haru to wait just a little more, so that she could figure things out.
Hana again asks him where he had gone off to and when he refuses to answer, asks in mock horror how he can still keep secrets from her. She tells him to sleep, since she too hadn't slept since his disappearance the day before, and falls asleep mid sentence. Haru is happy, but he holds Hana's hand tightly as he thinks back on what he had seen.
Miho goes up to Haru's room carrying food. Not finding him there, she goes to Hana's room, opens the door enough to peek inside, and becomes angry at what she sees.

    Vanillin-tan March 10, 2018 2:42 pm

    Miho should fuck of

    Vanillin-tan March 10, 2018 2:44 pm

    Off* i know she was there for a Long Time but she to loves hana‘s dad? And haru is like a son to The doc so why should he ever trow haru away? Or miho

    Vanillin-tan March 10, 2018 2:45 pm

    Thank you so much for this

    Hi March 12, 2018 1:18 am

    Thanks a lot. It is a ton of work translating the chapters, so I'm so glad to know someone's reading. About Miho. I hate her. She can't bear watching Haru having something she doesn't. I mean, he is a just a child! She goes around offering her Master "massages" but that's all fine. If Haru tries anything, it's slap slap slap for him. Narrow minded hypocrite. Poor Haru and Hook. Have you noticed that Hook is so starved for love, if Jeff shows him even the slightest regard, he starts blushing happily like a schoolgirl.
    The official Webtoons translation is gonna catch up with Korean raws in two weeks (Seokwoo is on a break right now). So chapter 50 will be the last chapter I get to translate and post the summary of. After that, I'll need to find something else to obsess over :p

    Vanillin-tan March 12, 2018 1:54 am
    Thanks a lot. It is a ton of work translating the chapters, so I'm so glad to know someone's reading. About Miho. I hate her. She can't bear watching Haru having something she doesn't. I mean, he is a just a ch... @Hi

    Oh nooo you doing so good to translate because it takes Long that new chapter come out! Yes i noticed that Hook is happy with Jeff but it hurts my Soul to See him like this... he is so gentle yet he doesn‘t want to Show kindness to others because he is maybe afraid that Jeff will hurt The others Too like his ex and almost haru... i think that hook just thinks this is a ‚normal‘ way to Love his ‚master‘☹. Still i‘m happy if jeff will get what he deserves at The end and maybe hook can be with haru and hana. And haru and hana in love with cutie Wolf babies

    Vanillin-tan March 12, 2018 1:56 am
    Thanks a lot. It is a ton of work translating the chapters, so I'm so glad to know someone's reading. About Miho. I hate her. She can't bear watching Haru having something she doesn't. I mean, he is a just a ch... @Hi

    And i Love you for doing this because IT IS many work to translate this !

    Hi March 13, 2018 3:24 am

    In that case, I'll do my best for you. Chapter 50 Korean releases in two days, so I'll post the translation as soon as I get my hands on it.
    If anyone deserves a happy ending in this manga, it is Hook. I actually hope he can be with Choco. They are literally made for each other. The best thing about Choco is that he loves people a lot. And Hook is a person who wants to be loved and who will do anything for the people he cares about. It will be so cute to watching him protect little choco. They are so perfect for each other.

    Vanillin-tan March 14, 2018 3:38 pm
    In that case, I'll do my best for you. Chapter 50 Korean releases in two days, so I'll post the translation as soon as I get my hands on it. If anyone deserves a happy ending in this manga, it is Hook. I actual... @Hi

    Yes you are so right he will be happy with choco. You don‘t have to do it fast i can wait! It is so Nice to Write with someone that understands you