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Freak March 9, 2018 8:11 am

Harada makes me just stop with everything I'm doing and brings me into his world of history. I love his work, the way he builds up the tension and how carefully he adds small elements to the twisted relationship the MC's have, I love it all. I love the way he draws, when Fuku removed the blindfold from Shou my heart honestly stopped for a moment, I stared at that page, observing for such a long time, I could just see how broken he was at that time. It sent shivers down my spine, it felt like I was experiencing despair. I want to see how this goes, I don't mind whichever turn this takes because Harada knows whats best for them, not for us. I'm looking forward to this so badly.

I'm sorry for the ramble but I just had to put my thoughts out somewhere in the void of manga, I just appreciate his work so much and I honestly think it's stunning. It makes me really just re-think my life and view different perspectives when it comes to relationships and mental situations, just wonderful. I'll stop here, thank you Harada.

    Allllix March 9, 2018 8:36 pm

    i agree but harada is actually a woman :o

    Freak March 10, 2018 3:07 am
    i agree but harada is actually a woman :o Allllix

    Oh, I actually didn't know this!! thank you I feel silly now xO