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I was actually kind of rooting for Toba until he became kind of forceful... I mean yeah he...

madlice March 10, 2018 7:47 am

I was actually kind of rooting for Toba until he became kind of forceful... I mean yeah he's just trying to be dominant because of akki but it makes me so uncomfortable that he teases tsubasa like that, it made me dislike him a bit... However I was actually in loooove with akki at the beggining, he seemed so sweet and innocent, but when he just acted like nothing when tsubasa confessed it made me mad and he continued doing it and he only showed interest when toba was getting close to tsubasa so wtf man u don't like her but you don't want anyone to like her either come on T.T it makes me so angry these guys need to work on themselves a lot, tsubasa deserves the whole world <3
