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Damn, Kaneki, you could have eaten some other part of his body... well i'm happy that they...

Shopie♧ March 12, 2018 5:54 pm

Damn, Kaneki, you could have eaten some other part of his body... well i'm happy that they got to meet each other again, Hide is so reliable, he makes you feel that you can count on him anytime and always, i love him. Now Kaneki can finally stop carrying the weight of Hide's death and move on (well now he has to carry the weight of destroying Hide's face)

    Rae March 12, 2018 6:00 pm

    You do know Kaneki wasn't in his right mind when he bit Hide right? He didn't even want to...Kaneki actually blacked out and thought he killed him. When a ghoul is hungry, they aren't thinking of where to bite someone.

    Shopie♧ March 12, 2018 6:16 pm
    You do know Kaneki wasn't in his right mind when he bit Hide right? He didn't even want to...Kaneki actually blacked out and thought he killed him. When a ghoul is hungry, they aren't thinking of where to bite ... Rae

    Yes i know, i even know that after that he didn't remember what he did, it was a saying... and i know too that all that he does put a lot of weight in his conscious, and stays with him forever...