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A promising beginning...

D Y A S U ♥ March 16, 2018 7:53 am

I remember I picked up "An Easy Target" when there were like four chapters out. After those chapters, instantly HOOKED. It was a good ride during the first couple chapters and I thought it would continue that momentum through to the end. I enjoyed the realistic concept of abusive relationships since its not very common in both manhwa and manga. I know this work got a lot of shit for Kyung-Soo not being able to walk away several times from the situation, but all jokes aside, sometimes in dv situations you can never truly escape. I think "An Easy Target" really emphasized that going toward the end as well. As the readers, we believe Kyung-Soo was able to get away from both Yule and Dong-Hyuk's madness, but as stated before, one can never escape the trauma of domestic violence. So I think that interpretation really justifies the ending we got from the author.

For me, I would've liked to see a time skip with Kyung-Soo living a normal, happy life, Dong-Hyuk perhaps partying away somewhere and never really forgetting the imprint Kyung-Soo left on his heart, and finally Yule maybe even getting the help for his mind he needed.

All in all, I enjoyed this manhwa for a time but felt it sizzled out towards the middle/end. There were moments where the author could've took a more psychological approach to the abuse but instead continued to use physical assault to fill in the gaps that didn't add any substance to the story. It was an interesting read that had me, "I need to know how this story ends," so the comments that gave this manhwa so much shit was honestly petty. That ass dragging of the story really wasn't that deep. Can't wait to see what this author comes up with next. (▰˘◡˘▰)
