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My sad romance

dawny March 17, 2018 10:12 am

I just picked up this manga and just finished reading ch 8. I don't know what crazy things are happening in the chapters ahead or if their relationship becomes cuter but I want to say that I feel so bad for the father. I have a crush that I think I'll love for eternity. He's single now and doesn't like anyone but I know he'll never like me. I imagine our future as something similar to the love triangle in the story. me as the doctor, my crush as the doctor and another girl as the nurse. I felt really connected to the father and imagined myself in the same situation and I now can't stop crying. I know there are a lot of manga like this but the reason I cried for this one is because the father was happy for the doctor but also hurt at the same time. I can relate to the idea of not caring about myself as long as my crush is happy and I know how much pain he is feeling. I hope the nurse gains courage and confesses. then I know the father will truly be at peace. I too would feel sad if the one my crush loved kept rejecting him. I also hope the father finds someone for him to love later in the manga. he deserves it. I know this comment is useless and no one will really read it but I really wanted to let it out. Now then, I'll dry up these teardrops and continue this fluff.
