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I think I"m the only one that still want Akros to end with the MC ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don...

maychan March 18, 2018 10:06 pm

I think I"m the only one that still want Akros to end with the MC ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don't even know why, even though Akros lie to him and all that. I still can't stop myself from thinking what if the mc still like Akros. but I doubt it will happen now. well whatever this plot will go, I guess we see.

    Newbie March 21, 2018 1:50 pm

    I want Taavi end up with Akros too.. but everyone like shipping Taavi with Raskin..( ̄∇ ̄")

    maychan March 22, 2018 12:12 am
    I want Taavi end up with Akros too.. but everyone like shipping Taavi with Raskin..( ̄∇ ̄") @Newbie

    agree (≧∀≦) I don't know why they shipping him with Taavi.

    Taavi March 22, 2018 12:42 am
    agree (≧∀≦) I don't know why they shipping him with Taavi. maychan

    Okay. Reasons why most readers ship Raskin with Taavi:
    1- Raskin is way hotter. The long hair and handsome face, he is the most attractive character in this story. Even Taavi noticed that he is handsome. Granted, this is a matter of opinion.
    2- Canon in the story: Akros beat and abused Taavi. He is a coward and a sadistic jerk. Coward because a man that size beating up a much weaker and defenseless kid like Taavi can just be called a coward. Their sex was clearly one sided with Akros only concerned in having Taavi as his sex slave.
    3- Akros is dishonest and a cheater. ( and not even talking the point that he has a wife in here that nobody cares, not even he). He was not the one who saved Taavi and he lied and took him as slave. Even among his men, he has no honor and don't think twice before being unfair and abuse his power.
    4- Although Akros now is painted in better light, Raskin is the one that from start showed real concern and feelings for Taavi. He saved him from death first, then he saved him from slavery with Akros ( when we all thought that he meant harm to Taavi but he had actually paid the mercenary to take him far away to somewhere where he could be free).
    5- Raskin may be a brute and be attracted to Taavi but even when he had the chance, he didn't take advantage of a defenseless Taavi. He has been his protector from start.
    6- Last but not least: The only time we see Taavi expressing any kind of attraction for someone is towards Raskin. Taavi only knows sex for survival and forced submission and he had no choice but have sex with Akros if he wanted to survive but with Raskin he probably will find out what it is to want and desire someone.

    Akros abused, beat and raped Taavi. Raskin saved, protected and loved him. Unless the reader enjoys the master/slave abuser/victim kink, is that hard to understand why most ship Raskin with Taavi?

    maychan March 22, 2018 1:33 am
    Okay. Reasons why most readers ship Raskin with Taavi: 1- Raskin is way hotter. The long hair and handsome face, he is the most attractive character in this story. Even Taavi noticed that he is handsome. Grant... @Taavi

    1. Akros is way hotter to me but well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    2. at first yeas, latter he set him free. and for someone that see him has only a "slave" it a big deal and a big change from his part. so...I kind of see where you coming from but then again kind of don't. he wasn't the worse of them all, there were much worse rapers in there.
    3. well I will claim for this is that this "world" full of dishonest and a cheater Creatures. so Akros kind of fit in with them and learn from them. I don't say he isn't bad but he also kind of cool at the same time, but there is much worse then him. so....again I don't say he is "good" creature. only that he fit to this kind of world. I found him kind of fun to read ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    4. oh yeas that, well can't say anything to that. but it still weird how Tavvi can change his "feelings" for someone base of one thing only. it just weird ( ̄∇ ̄") like anyone that "save" him will be enough for him to just fall in love with them after a minute. it kind of annoying and feel fake.
    5. yeas I know, but remember this is this kind of world. and I can say the same about Akros latting him go daspite Taavi been his slave and all. he could easily just taking him back, easily control him but decided not too.
    6. fair point, but it was "too fast" like second he find out he save him, the second he all of sudden got attraction to him. and I still think he did felt a little attraction to Akros too even if he was force too at first. but that just me.
    about his wifo, I don't think she give a crap about Akros, so the same Akros did for her.

    Lina March 22, 2018 5:09 pm
    1. Akros is way hotter to me but well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭2. at first yeas, latter he set him free. and for someone that see him has only a "slave" it a big deal and a big change from his part. so...I kind of see... maychan

    I think Taavi doesn’t love Raskin. He is attracted to him, which is quite different from being in love. And from what I understood, Taavi never felt for Arkros what he felt when Raskin was near him.

    maychan March 22, 2018 7:17 pm
    I think Taavi doesn’t love Raskin. He is attracted to him, which is quite different from being in love. And from what I understood, Taavi never felt for Arkros what he felt when Raskin was near him. @Lina

    really? I thought he fall in love with him after he find out he save him ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ yeas that what I undertood too. this is why I still feel Taavi will come back to him somehow.

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 11:07 pm
    I think Taavi doesn’t love Raskin. He is attracted to him, which is quite different from being in love. And from what I understood, Taavi never felt for Arkros what he felt when Raskin was near him. @Lina

    Taavi is not in love with Raskin yet ... how could he be? He feels a connection and it's the first time he is shown to have real attraction towards someone but love is still something too unknown for him.
    He doesn't know him and never had the chance to spend any time with him. Just like the readers, Taavi thought Raskin hated and was out to get him. Then everything happened at once, he finds out Raskin was the one who saved him from death the first time, finds out Raskin had tried to save him from slavery sending him away but he had to run...
    Hopefully next chapters we finally get some Raskin and Taavi time and story.

    Anon March 22, 2018 11:23 pm
    really? I thought he fall in love with him after he find out he save him ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ yeas that what I undertood too. this is why I still feel Taavi will come back to him somehow. maychan

    Taavi is not shown to be in love with anyone yet in the story yet ... he only had sex with Akros, out of need for survival and detached of feelings .... but Raskin is the only one who seems to have awaken any kind of curiosity or special feelings of desire in him. He is blushing and confused by the desire to kiss him and doesn't know what he is feeling. This happens even before he learns that Raskin was the one who saved him from the confinement and that he had paid the guy to take him somewhere to freedom.
    I'm guessing that now that he knows Raskin is not the bad guy he thought hated him, being attracted to him in a way he never been for someone and some bonding time may do the trick.

    Anon March 23, 2018 1:29 am
    1. Akros is way hotter to me but well ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭2. at first yeas, latter he set him free. and for someone that see him has only a "slave" it a big deal and a big change from his part. so...I kind of see... maychan

    I'm not even sure if you are going to read this... It got longer that I thought, sorry ... I enjoyed discussing with you anyway. Cheers!

    2."There were much worse rapers in there" .... I just think this is a very low bar to beat, no? I mean, are we reasoning who has shown to be a better man for Taavi or it's just about favorites? Because if the reason for shipping Akros x Taavi is only about Akros or Raskin being a favorite character no matter how their actions compare, than it doesn't make much point to list canon behavior to explain why readers may find Raskin a much better man for anyone than an Akros.

    3- Well, see, again, we are not comparing Akros against the 'world' full of dishonest and cheater creatures. Akros may fair better if the position for ship opens to every rapist/abuser in yaoi but we are comparing Akros and one creature --- Raskin. When you asked why readers were shipping Taavi with Raskin I listed all the canon in the story between the wrong Akros did ( the rape, abuse, beating, the dishonesty, the fact that he and Taavi relationship was only about sex -- slave sex) .... "There is much worse than him" is not saying much for Akros. It's really a very low bar to settle for, mostly because, there is much better ... in this case, Raskin who seemed to have real feelings of protection towards Taavi from the get go.

    4-I don't really get what you mean by Taavi changing his 'feelings' and what is the 'one thing only'. From the story, it's apparent that Taavi is devout of any emotional feelings towards someone. He certainly doesn't know love yet and he doesn't know what it is to want someone with desire --- there is a difference between being able to have sex with someone and even getting off and wanting, desiring to have sex with a specific someone. The only time we get to see Raskin express any kind of physical connection ( want, desire and confusion) with someone is in the chapter where Raskin gets so close to him enough to kiss that he starts feeling things he doesn't recognize nor understand -- he blushes, he gets aroused... and he feels he wants to kiss him. This feeling is new so there is no transfer or change. Raskin made him feel something and he didn't feel like that with Akros. Notice also that these 'strange feelings' he feels with Raskin happens before he even knew the truth about the man. So there is no such thing as Taavi suddenly falling in love with Raskin just because he saved him. This is nowhere in the story. If anything, what was 'fake' was Taavi forced attachment to Akros out of 'gratitude' for having saved him, he tried to convince himself that he loved Akros somehow so the sex could be enjoyable and so on ... so it's ironic that you mention the 'fake' part relating to Raskin when the canon fake attachment was with Akros.

    Taavi and Akros: Taavi's most detailed feelings is in the first chapter.
    We get to read Taavi's thoughts about Akros in the first sex scene. It's a whole page describing cope mechanism. He needs to have sex with Akros to survive and not be beaten. Did he find a way to enjoy to some degree? yes. Read the chapter. Is this sex you have with someone you feel attracted to ? Or the sex you have out of getting the best out of something you can't change? He describes how he disconnects as soon as the act starts, he talks about how he convinces himself that he 'loves his master' in a way to escape reality, to go through it, to forget the pain and as a way to feel pleasure. He focus on what he can to get off but it's pretty clear the sex is not by his choice neither something more than detached physical function. Is he attracted to Akros? Maybe enough to get through the sex but it's clear that not enough to have sex with him if he had a choice. Feelings? In the scene where he seduces Akros, we see that he expected to feel a connection with Akros because he saved him ... then he says that when he got close to Akros he felt 'nothing'.
    If you can, while Taavi is being beaten by Akros, he mentions 'whatever Raskin has awakened in me, I will lock inside'. ... that is what I meant that Raskin is the only one who ever made Taavi to feel anything that closely resembles feelings of affection/desire or whatever makes someone to feel alive as oppose to numb state that Taavi knows.

    5- Here again, the point for Akros is one made setting the lowest bar possible. You are saying that the fact that Akros stopped beating/raping Taavi and treating him as slave is in the same level as someone who never did that. Not really. The preference of ship may also be related to preference of plot. Akros x Taavi is the popular rapist/abuser turned to lover in yaoi but many readers, myself included doesn't relate to this plot. Maybe you think the 'connection' between Raskin and Taavi is fake and annoying but I think it's kind of sweet. This is a story of magic creatures and elves and in the few interactions with Raskin, it seems Taavi had a sense that the other guy loved him from the start and maybe even sensed he was his savior.
    Both Raskin and Akros could have saved Taavi but it was Raskin who noticed and felt something for him at first sight. Akros told him to let him there to die and when Raskin disobeyed him, Akros took Taavi just out of hurt pride and pettiness.

    6- I'm confused about what you say here. As mentioned, the attraction/whatever feelings Taavi felt for Raskin was shown before he knew the truth. It's in the chapter 'Lessons'. Notice when Akros is beating Taavi, blaming him for letting Raskin to get close, Taavi thinks "whatever feelings Raskin awakened in me, I'll lock inside me'. He only finds out Raskin is his protector in the scene when Raskin is 'dying' some time later and they exchange some brief, sweet recognition moment but there is no 'too fast' or such a thing like Taavi suddenly being attracted just because of that.

    Ps: Not even relevant but in the story Taavi ponders about how Akros’s wife loves him but still allows him to have sex with other people … It’s irrelevant anyway since this is just another collateral damage of female characters in yaoi that are just there to be a vase that nobody cares about.

    maychan March 23, 2018 7:37 pm
    Taavi is not shown to be in love with anyone yet in the story yet ... he only had sex with Akros, out of need for survival and detached of feelings .... but Raskin is the only one who seems to have awaken any ... @Anon

    oh I see XD well I guess we see what will happen. I don't know why it seem like he was in love with him, it was in the ship scene. he mantion something about love or I don't remember it good ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    maychan March 23, 2018 8:28 pm
    I'm not even sure if you are going to read this... It got longer that I thought, sorry ... I enjoyed discussing with you anyway. Cheers!2."There were much worse rapers in there" .... I just think this is a very... @Anon

    hi I do read all of it, thank you for answering XD

    2. I meant the reapers inside THIS mange world. which mean I meant to say that Taavi could full into much worse hands then Akros. actually, compare to the other Creatures and his sons, Akros is very smart and didn't go kill both Taavi and Raskin for breaking the rules of their socity. which again, show he isn't the worse. though, according this WORLD in THIS manga, he should have do that. since they mostly crual and stuff so......yeas ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ that what I meant. but well...whatever

    3. okay if you want to compare Raskin and Akros. they very different in thinking and their character. not just from the whole "sex" thing. but also from the way they act and see the world. Akros is a leader, a leader that need to show he have power and strength in a very crual world where everyone is CRUAL! he is a very logical and strategic, a very good strategic if I my add. and he never use his emotions. he don't believe in emotions and see them has an obstacle to logical thinking. he is very cold and I guess he never know what love is even from their own sons or wife or his mother. and the most importent - the low of this world soicty ( in THIS MANGA) is the low to him! you can't break the rules of their socity no matter what! so you can say he is a very strict and cold general. but then....he change. it dosn't happen after one night of course, but he did change from been a cold with no emotions at all when he was with Taavi and after he run away. this is why I find him much more interesting, he grown on me soo much more. now Raskin is the opposite, he think his "love" is the most importent thing, he will do anything to one's he feel emotions and think he is right and risk his own life. but other then that, he isn't that interesting to me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ we do know that Akros respact him in some way, since he didn't kill him for letting a human slave live. but other then that, well...I find Akros much more interesting. so you can called it a parsonal taste for Akros character not cause he rape.

    4. I just remember, Taavi is the one that hit on Akros first in sexal way. and he did blush when he did. I think cause his wife order him too or something like that. I just remember it XD to me it seem that anyone that "save" him back then when he almost die, will be the one he want to be with, in a lover way. cause if you remember, in the first chapter, he did felt a romatic thing to the creature that save him. now you can deny it is a romatic feelings or grateful feeling. it dosn't really matter. but that how it felt to me. that anyone will be fine to him has long that he the one that "save" him that time. again, I can be wrong. and maybe I am wrong ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but that how I felt when I read it.

    5. I talk about the Society within this story. and yeas the society in this story is horrible!! their rules are horrible! but that the way they LIVE! I didn't create this story or society or see it has a good one, but again it is still there! they even kill Pregnant women only cause they feel like it. it easier to judge then to actually understand that this is their rules of this society created for their people in this manga story. Akros didn't created this rules, he follow it! and follow it in the mind that it the best thing he can do for their people. since he is a leader. so can you really blame him for follow his socity rules? yeas he did rape and it wrong, but he also change and go aganist their "socity" rules in freeing a slave. I think the punishament meant death or something. I can't remember XD
    has for Taavi, nope he didn't know who his savior was until he told him, cause he kind of dumb. then again he didn't sew his savior face that well so....yeas. has for Akros, he free him aganist his pride and pettiness and aganist their socity rules he LOVED sooo much! finally following his feelings then his head and logic. you tell me what it mean.

    6. that a very fair point, I forgot about this part (⌒▽⌒) you are right about it. but then again, Taavi also kind of Seduced Akros first in the bath scene and blush ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ well I still like Akros more for his many change's in character and growing for his emotions. and I actually hate rape in yaoi, so it new to me too lol

    ps: I think it mostly cause the "wife" is only for show, like I said. and it is my Interpretation. she don't really care what will happen to Akros, she only care for herself and her reputation. you know, kind of like how Kings or celebrities getting married to someone they don't give a crap about only to show they married and have kids, like the socity asking from them to be. so it kind of like that, king's marry from duty to marry. not cause they actually love the person, and the person get all the money and good reputation to show how lucky they are. it is something that actually happen often. I don't know if she even love her sons or not ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I actually find her fun too, a shame she didn't get much screen time to grow has a character. I like strong women that do what they want (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    missotaku March 29, 2018 3:07 am

    am not shipping anyone
    An orgy it is then

    maychan March 29, 2018 11:23 am
    am not shipping anyoneAn orgy it is then missotaku

    in this story, an orgy is a mast happen XD