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Buji March 21, 2018 9:43 pm

What's the meaning behind your username?

Mine is because I was looking for a new IGN like, 12+ years ago and I wanted something in Japanese that meant quiet or shy or something, since I'm a quiet person. I ended up finding Buji and just stuck with it, though I don't think it really means quietness.

    Buji March 21, 2018 10:55 pm
    Mine was an inside joke betweeen my friends after watching a pacman "Robot chicken" skit I think? It was a bunch of Pac-childen learning about the birds and the bees. Pacgirl

    I've watched a lot of Robot Chicken, but I can't remember if I've seen that episode. I haven't watched much of their later skits

    Buji March 21, 2018 11:00 pm
    Mine was an inside joke betweeen my friends after watching a pacman "Robot chicken" skit I think? It was a bunch of Pac-childen learning about the birds and the bees. Pacgirl

    I don't think I've seen that one, or just don't remember. I use to watch a lot of RC, but haven't in a long time, and haven't seen any of their later stuff.

    chizaman March 21, 2018 11:05 pm

    My current username is based off of "Chizam," a nickname I've got in real life, although it's pretty much fallen out of use. Added the "-an" at the end to form "man" on a whim (to assert my humanity, I guess, or my nonexistent manliness).

    chizaman March 21, 2018 11:06 pm
    Omg I watched that a long time ago (≧∀≦) Never actually thought someone is watching Robot Chicken in this community YuzukiMikage

    (I watch it avidly.)

    (Sorry not sorry.)

    Buji March 21, 2018 11:21 pm
    My current username is based off of "Chizam," a nickname I've got in real life, although it's pretty much fallen out of use. Added the "-an" at the end to form "man" on a whim (to assert my humanity, I guess, o... chizaman

    I know that feeling. I use to go by Sasquatch by a lot of people, but that fell out of use as well.
    I use to do taekwondo, and we did a summer camp thing. We were doing a game and talking about the creatures in the woods, and I mentioned Sasquatch. So one of my friends started calling me that, soon everyone started calling me that.
    After I was called that, I asked my instructor if I could borrow his gorrilla costume and scare the kids, he laughed and said sure, so that added to the name.
    After the camp, I was called Sasquatch by 100+ people, but I don't do TKD anymore so it fell off

    Sodapop Samurai March 21, 2018 11:27 pm

    I was like 10 and I liked soda a lot
    But that wasn't catchy and I like samurai so bam
    Sodapop samurai
    I usually go by soda pooop

    Sodapop Samurai March 21, 2018 11:31 pm

    I was like 10 and I liked soda a lot
    But that wasn't catchy and I like samurai so bam
    Sodapop samurai
    I usually go by sodapoop now

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 1:41 am
    I don't think I've seen that one, or just don't remember. I use to watch a lot of RC, but haven't in a long time, and haven't seen any of their later stuff. Buji

    Oh yes, I used to watch it when I was 6/7 yrs old on TV with my brother, we'd seek off downstairs in the night and most of the time get in real trouble when our mom found out. I loved and hated it back then.
    But now that I'm older, it's still not my favorite thing but I watch some of the recent skits on the Adult swim youtube channel.

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 1:44 am
    Omg I watched that a long time ago (≧∀≦) Never actually thought someone is watching Robot Chicken in this community YuzukiMikage

    Hehe, it's nice to know there are more who watch it. I think a skit that will always stick with me is each of their "Star Wars" parodies.

    YuzukiMikage March 22, 2018 4:02 am
    Hehe, it's nice to know there are more who watch it. I think a skit that will always stick with me is each of their "Star Wars" parodies. Pacgirl

    I cant really pick one since all of their parodies and compilations are all addicting. But if I would choose one it would be the Harry Potter series (≧∀≦) Adult Swim makes so much good content <3

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 4:05 am

    people need to stfu sometimes

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 4:23 am
    I cant really pick one since all of their parodies and compilations are all addicting. But if I would choose one it would be the Harry Potter series (≧∀≦) Adult Swim makes so much good content <3 YuzukiMikage

    Oh, nice taste. My favorite one from the Harry Potter parodies one is "Voldemorts nose."

    YuzukiMikage March 22, 2018 4:49 am
    Oh, nice taste. My favorite one from the Harry Potter parodies one is "Voldemorts nose." Pacgirl

    Mine is Dear James Potter ヾ(☆▽☆) But I personally like the Starbucks logo episode

    wankdank March 22, 2018 4:58 am

    ma nigga I don't think you wanna know where mine comes from, is' some dark shit here ...

    Pacgirl March 22, 2018 5:06 am
    Mine is Dear James Potter ヾ(☆▽☆) But I personally like the Starbucks logo episode YuzukiMikage

    PFFT, XD James Potter is just beautiful, and the Starbucks one is hilarious, my friend in design showed it to me after saying "Don't you think the Starbucks logo looks kinda weird in a way?"

    YuzukiMikage March 22, 2018 5:39 am
    PFFT, XD James Potter is just beautiful, and the Starbucks one is hilarious, my friend in design showed it to me after saying "Don't you think the Starbucks logo looks kinda weird in a way?" Pacgirl

    Ikr?? And that parody was actually close to the original reason as to how the logo was made (≧∀≦)

    chubbii_chii March 22, 2018 6:20 am

    Mines sort of a combo. When I get mad or huffy I was often called chubby cheeks since I guess I puff out my cheeks?....I don't know. And an old nickname of mine was Chii. So I just did a combo of both and voilà!

    Sekai March 22, 2018 10:12 am
    EXO ship? Buji

    yes EXO ship I also ship sebaek and chanbaek well those are my favorite members

    Anonymous March 22, 2018 1:41 pm
    yes EXO ship I also ship sebaek and chanbaek well those are my favorite members Sekai


    Buji March 22, 2018 3:03 pm
    people need to stfu sometimes fucking stfu
