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feelz bhad

chuu~ <3 March 22, 2018 8:13 pm

hm sometimes when i read yaoi and fujoshi comments i wonder if we really are just fetishizing gay relationships and gay people :(

    Anonymous March 24, 2018 9:18 pm

    Or they are becoming more accepting of gay people and gay relationships. Why always be negative? Either way, I'm just glad that these aren't real people.

    chuu~ <3 March 25, 2018 8:54 am

    but some manga don’t actually show realistic depictions of gay relationships, so it kind of is fetishized in a way, but it’s like that for a lot of manga, rape is shown in a lot of manga even shoujo as a norm thing which is depressing but certain manga depict some realism and it’s nice to see, plus some of these fujoshi aren’t exactly completely comfortable around real life gay people they just enjoy yaoi for,““two hot guys getting it on”” BUT I DO AGREE THAT IM PRETTY NEGATIVE DONT HATE ON ME.

    chuu~ <3 March 25, 2018 8:55 am

    i just accidentally disliked my own comment rofl

    Katy March 27, 2018 3:09 am

    Actually, Yaoi is not supposed to be depicting real life gay couples so it's not fetishizing. A lot of men in Yaoi are also straight lol so it's actually straight men fucking each other.

    Also, that's like saying romantic novels about straight couples is fetishizing straight people. Doesn't add up. I wouldn't worry too much about it if you are not fetishizing.

    >:/ March 27, 2018 4:00 am
    Actually, Yaoi is not supposed to be depicting real life gay couples so it's not fetishizing. A lot of men in Yaoi are also straight lol so it's actually straight men fucking each other. Also, that's like sayi... Katy

    Sweetie your just spewing bullshit at this point. “Yaoi is not supposed to be depicting real life fat couples so it’s not fetishizing.” Okay then what is it actually depicting? Oh yeah, it’s depiciting overly sexualized, caricatures of gay couples.
    How tf does this help your argument? If anything, it just proves your grasping at straws trying to stan this lmao

    Jfc, straight people can’t be fetishized. Fetish is defined as a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc. Straight people are labeled as the default by society, putting them in a place where, unlike minorities, they can be presented in any degree, shape, or form, and still be considered acceptable. LGBT+ people however, can and have been fetished merely because their sexuality is not of “the norm” thus it’s viewed as something “inappropriate” and “sexy” when it isn’t. It’s jsut people trying to love other people, not some porno for straight girls to get turned on by.

    :/ March 27, 2018 4:08 am

    Just to clarify, I’m not angry at you @chuu (though I’m fucking livid at Katy) Honestly, I’m glad you came to this realization because not a lot of people do. You clearly were making an effort to understand and learn about this discussion and I really can’t blame you for any of that
    Cheers ^^!

    Katy March 27, 2018 4:51 am

    I won't reply to that nasty troll. I will say this again, Yaoi is NOT meant to and is NOT depicting REAL human beings. Someone has to be deranged or just very stupid to think that yaoi is meant to document real life gay couples. If people think that then that's just their ill conceived mentality. Yes, it involves men in a comic, but that's not the same thing as depicting or even coming close to gay men in reality. If anything, it shows sex within men, who like straight couples, are also labeled as the default and have far more advantages than women. So I just turned their argument against them.

    Fetishizing is a whole other ballpark and it's just stupid and outrageous to claim fans of yaoi are fetishizing gay men. Who the fuck are you to label fans of yaoi as having "abnormal" degree of sexual gratification towards gay men? Are you a psychologist who has measured their ways of thinking and how they, as a generalized group, see gay men? NO!

    I am part of the LGBTQ and I love that there are stories regarding people like ME here. Stop trying to make shit up so you can have reasons to bullshit.

    Katy March 27, 2018 5:02 am

    And also, anything and anyone in any group can be fetishized. White men in USA are the majority but they can still be fetishized. I have met these people and they have told me first hand that they fetishize White men to an abnormal degree. It's not about the majority or the default. Stop trying to create your own definitions of what is and is not fetishizing. Anything can be fetishized, usually that comes down to the situation and person.

    Many Yaoi fans don't ever fetishize gay men. They can easily separate the two. Reading a love story between two men who have sex is not the same thing as "fetishizing gay men."

    Katy March 27, 2018 5:12 am

    When I say generlized fans of yaoi, I mean people who read BL/yaoi because they want to see male couples in a comic, doing what couples do. Like I said, anything CAN be fetishized but to label yaoi as just there to fetishize gay men is just plain dumb.

    Katy March 27, 2018 5:39 am

    @forgetmenot They want to make a case about everything so they can have something to bitch about and they also misunderstand/ignore the big picture. I understand if real humans were being represented but to say drawings of these characters in comics represent real human beings who get their rights taken away by reading yaoi? It's laughable. That's what I meant when I said they are not meant to depict real human beings. Women are also not in the position to deny men (gay or straight) their rights. I understand if these fans held a higher position in the world but they don't and many of these fans are not "straight girls" so another jumping of conclusion by them.

    chuu~ <3 March 27, 2018 8:04 am

    omg why are there so many replies

    chuu~ <3 March 27, 2018 8:19 am

    I didn’t mean for you guys to get so worked up, i was just putting my question out there, although like you said, i can’t generalize all fangirls, because there are those who can separate fiction and reality, im talking about that small minority, the ones who fantasize about being gay because they want to take it up the ass (grotesque but there’s a comment in this manhwa about it) ALTHOUGH it’s true that there is fetishization in literally everything. Anyways thanks for replying i guess????

    chuu~ <3 March 27, 2018 8:20 am

    wait i think i read one of the comments wrong rofl

    chuu~ <3 March 27, 2018 8:20 am

    okay whatever my comment was wrong lmfao im dyslexic

    Annalis March 27, 2018 12:56 pm
    I didn’t mean for you guys to get so worked up, i was just putting my question out there, although like you said, i can’t generalize all fangirls, because there are those who can separate fiction and realit... chuu~ <3

    That’s the minority. I have been a fan of yaoi for many years and I have never EVER fetishized gay men. I actually respect gay couples.

    chuu~ <3 March 27, 2018 10:28 pm

    yup that’s why i said small minority