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I want to support the authors but when I 'm able to save up a bit of money most of the boo...

LaughingAardvark March 25, 2018 1:30 am

I want to support the authors but when I 'm able to save up a bit of money most of the books I would buy are either not translated, out of print, or I just can't find them at all. And it's not like buying used books would give the author anything. I wish there was a way for people without much money to donate what they can, specifying which authors they want to support. But that would be really complicated though and most of the money would probably just go to running it.

    YuzukiMikage March 25, 2018 1:54 am

    You can go to Patreon and support the Mangakas, or if you want to support the translators you can go to their website and donate from there.

    Dont listen to the Anonymous, that shits just dumb af(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    LaughingAardvark March 25, 2018 1:39 am
    You can go to Patreon and support the Mangakas, or if you want to support the translators you can go to their website and donate from there. Dont listen to the Anonymous, that shits just dumb af(〜 ̄△ ̄)�... YuzukiMikage

    He he. Deleted them. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶