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I like the 3 protagonists. Romance is not sappy, and I like Hajime's mature attitude. He...

ren March 28, 2018 1:13 pm

I like the 3 protagonists. Romance is not sappy, and I like Hajime's mature attitude. He's trying to really be the adult one in the rivalry, though he does want to show Otagawa he's ready to fight for her by beating him in soccer. Like , I maybe " old", ( and my muscles do ache ^^), but I can still outplay a younger guy.

I do sense Hajime is surprisingly not confident about his relationship with the main girl, meaning, he's afraid he might lose her to a younger guy. I also feel that he really is in love with her, and is serious about the relationship. It's just that he cannot be openly demonstrate his love for her due to his position as a teacher, and due to the age gap.
