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I, myself have never been in this situation, and I am in no means skinny. 5'3 and 140. But...

Evilcookie March 5, 2021 11:41 pm

I, myself have never been in this situation, and I am in no means skinny. 5'3 and 140. But my childhood has. She was taller than me 6 inches but weighted the same amount of pounds. She also was in sports so she hanged around the athletes. She would always say how skinny they were and how they weighted less then her. I tried to explaine that she was taller than them so of course she would weigh more, it's healthy. And say things like, if your fat then I'm obese (probably didn't help). She never seemed to get it and slowly loss weight. She would tell me that she was just eating an all plant diet and run more. I kinda knew what was happening at that time, but we were having a falling out do we didn't talk. But I found out the hard way, cought her in the bathroom pastout. I called the ambulance and she was in the hospital for weeks. 2 years passed and she never got better. Eventually she past away, by this time she was already married. She pasted from malutristion while pregnant and past while giving birth. Her son pulled through and as he is 2 now.

I never want to see anyone go though this ever. People, there are fantastically healthier ways to diet and the one shown by the protagonist here did not show it. Though it does show a sad truth about this issue, the awareness does help in a way, and the story was really well done.
