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This is story is a fking mess...

greyhud90 April 2, 2018 2:36 pm

you get absolutely nothing on these 3 first chapters.
Wouldn't it have been better to take the time to explain stuff like backgrounds, worlds and settings?
Is this some sort of sequel?
Its like the author just went fk all and skipped everything and went straight to comedy(cant even relate to it or laugh at it), Drama(demons getting slaughtered for experiments and crap but no reason why or how they end up that way) and action where OP jap character thrashes enemies with ease.
he said he was gamer and this is a game world but nothing here is indicates its a game at all.
This is just ball sack writing...

    greyhud90 April 2, 2018 2:38 pm

    how some of these get published is a mystery lol

    AuthorReinvented December 3, 2019 3:55 pm

    true...I would love to continue reading if there was only any content other than comedy. Actually, because they didn't explain anything, its not even funny, just confusing. I feel like I'm reading a spin-off or a sequel and there should be another manga somewhere with all the information