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dam seriously could you get anymore cuteness and sexyness. all three stories are simply th...

fenni March 6, 2012 11:55 pm

dam seriously could you get anymore cuteness and sexyness. all three stories are simply the best i cant decide which one i love the most. though i would have to say that even though the first story was more tender with a gentle romance with two guys in the end that honistly experience being in love for the first time. but the last two were just classic's , the mermaid story was so cute and funny. with the pres that rescued a cute kid and fell in love at first sight drove him to lie about the boat being broken down and the radio not working just to spend as much time with him as poss and then at the end change the name of the boat from prince to mermaid was sweet when they ended it with the classic scene of the two lovers from titanic. the thrid story was by far the most funniest with the uke being so direct with the selfsurported seme that lived at the top of the mountain alone. it was their story that touched me the most when the most romantic thing was said when jou turned around and said "i left something behind" and he said "i left behind heart" and when the seme said to him "half a year ago i picked it up" such sweet and touching words....blush!!!!. youve got to read this , i reconmend it strongly. xxx

    Kyoza October 28, 2012 11:17 am

    Like your comment. :D

    anon February 7, 2013 2:07 am

    you're right you're right i can't say a better explanation thank yours

    Usako February 20, 2014 6:23 pm

    they never did find that earring. . . . .