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hmmm this is weird i think something happened to the person who live this story/feeling a...

R A Z A N April 7, 2018 12:49 am

hmmm this is weird
i think something happened to the person who live this story/feeling and that something was connected to a train
after that happenning he/she started to have dreams about that train
and i feel like the 'something' is connected to that guy that came up first 'whome the main character were taking to'
but i feel like there is so much yet to tell and the auther just decided that its better not to tell the whole story and the important details to let it turn out as mysterious as possible.

that is my own feeling of this story, and its for sure not necessarily true.
i honestly 'due to curiosity , and mysteriously' want to read it again to try to know the hidden meanings. ( ̄へ ̄)
loove loove this author
