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Shell April 7, 2018 10:46 pm

it was a good read!

the background story is not that strong so it doesnt have a great impact. It feels like some little chapters in a long term story and since the core of the problem is solved just like that, it lost its reason to continue.

but really, i think this could get a continuation. it could have been a long story as well srsly

I love how the author draws girls! they are all cute and beautiful. tho i'm hating on veronica for her brute character and always speak loudly, ignored people's opinion (well, thats to be expect from junior or senior student character anyway)

i'm a loser to Sylph kind of character. I love gloomy type yet has this power to save people. but i really hope for it to be more depressing and i dont think his scar can be healed so easily, i wish to see him more!
all in all its 8/10 i guess, just my opinion uwu
Happy reading!
