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Omfg I just started this manga and I want more so bad when her cousin came in I just knew ...

O-O Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs(you) August 8, 2013 4:26 am

Omfg I just started this manga and I want more so bad when her cousin came in I just knew he wud fall in love with Hirata there's soooooooooooooo much drama in this manga but I still love it but I just want a manga that doesn't have all this whole thing where it takes forever to get together then SOMEONE else comes along and all that shit just a cute simple manga I feel bad for tachibana tho TT^TT I hope they keep him in the manga i love how the mangaka put some shounen-ai in this manga ^.^ heheh secret yaoi fan /v but i still love my shoujo
