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Hold on a minute. The lastest chapter rubbed me in the wrong way a little. the MC is bla...

Mochi April 9, 2018 4:18 am

Hold on a minute. The lastest chapter rubbed me in the wrong way a little.

the MC is blaming herself for being the cause (i guess) of her breakup with the previous boyfriend - but I don't see it that way at all. Plus that friend was like "in your case you were too clingy and insecure" like excuse me you're not her you've only seen a very small fragment of her life don't say such bullshit.

is moving to the city that your boyfriend lives in such a 'clingy' thing to do? they were doing long distance relationship so wouldn't they want to be in close proximity? plus it's not as if the MC had no job and just decided to move there and leech off the boyfriend like the hell?

and what in the world - EVERYONE gets insecure in a relationship no matter what, so how can she even think that that's the cause of the breakup

honestly this whole thingy just made me go nani??? dafuq????
