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I seriously need help. (repost coz I can't find my question xD)

vyrhoci April 9, 2018 12:10 pm

A week ago, I started reading this after I saw that it was completed. I got more intrigued after seeing the last chapter where Ciel was sitting on a chair while Sebastian was kneeling infront of him and helping him put his shoes on while there was a silhouette of a body hanging in the background, and Sebastian saying, "You sacrificed your brother and became a demon..." and because of that I wanted to read the story immediately. Now that's gone and it's on-going.

It's either this is another made up memory, or there are missing chapters... please help.

    ryu! April 9, 2018 12:59 pm

    In the main story Ciel didn't become a demon. Maybe you read the doujinshi :)

    Sol April 9, 2018 1:59 pm

    Sounds like a doujin maybe.

    Hohojo April 9, 2018 2:04 pm
    In the main story Ciel didn't become a demon. Maybe you read the doujinshi :) ryu!

    Well actually the second season of the anime (well its because at that time kuroshitsuji doesnt have that many chapter and fans cannot wait for second season I think,so its like a filler some kind) ciel become demon.
    Well yes I know there are many doujinshi about ciel become demon.The second season has alois travis?

    Lovely Angel 15 April 9, 2018 3:01 pm
    Well actually the second season of the anime (well its because at that time kuroshitsuji doesnt have that many chapter and fans cannot wait for second season I think,so its like a filler some kind) ciel become ... Hohojo

    Alois Trancy*

    vyrhoci April 9, 2018 6:18 pm
    In the main story Ciel didn't become a demon. Maybe you read the doujinshi :) ryu!

    The main story's still ongoing so that's still possible. xD

    And anyways, I was really sure of that memory because it was all I could think about as I started reading. I was like, "Where is that part where he did that?"

    And I'm also quite sure that it was tagged as completed because at that time, I was looking for fantasy mangas that are completed and has more than 5 chapters to them. So I'm literally shocked when I arrived at chapter 137...

    (Was I blind or something? xD)

    ryu! April 10, 2018 2:40 am
    The main story's still ongoing so that's still possible. xD And anyways, I was really sure of that memory because it was all I could think about as I started reading. I was like, "Where is that part where he d... vyrhoci

    Hahaha XD Well if you really read the doujinshi, it'll become a little difficult to find xd hmm, but is it yaoi or just fantasy? Because many black butler's dj are yaoi Or maybe your memory was mess up with the anime season 2 XD but in the anime, his older brother was never mentioned.. So many possibilities XD

    vyrhoci April 10, 2018 10:43 am
    Hahaha XD Well if you really read the doujinshi, it'll become a little difficult to find xd hmm, but is it yaoi or just fantasy? Because many black butler's dj are yaoi Or maybe your memory was mess up with th... ryu!

    I didn't read any doujins. and until someone links me to that scenario, I'm more inclined to believe that I come from a parallel universe where kuroshitsuji is already completed (more likely scenario xD). (My brain's argument is that I read that scenario a week ago or two ago and the twin brother revelation is fairly new so a doujin has atleast 60% probability xD)

    It's just, I was sure that it was completed and because when I found Kuroshitsuji, I was looking for a fantasy story that is completed to avoid frustration due to sudden cuckblock (pardon my wording xD) and after seeing it, I immediately clicked on the last chapter to see if it's worth the read and that's the scenario I read.

    (TBH, there were other times where I had different memories from what really happened, and those memories are so real and so chronological that it's way too truthful, so I won't be surprised that I really am jumping from parallel world to parallel world unknowingly... [or that it's just fake memories xD])