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Searching for 2 yaoi manga

Sol April 11, 2018 3:55 pm

First One: It contains multiple stories but I remember only one story.

The story was about a sick person who was told he won't make it till spring or autumn. The guy who loves him visits him every day and finds out the news of the impending death of his crush. Later in the day, the guy came to visit his crush to drop something off only to encounter a note that tells him, he will come back when the flowers bloom/fall again. At the end of the page was of the tree and flowers blooming or flowers falling if it was autumn and I got the seasons mixed up.

Second Story: Its about a vampire visiting his lover who he finds out has contracted an incurable illness. The vampire didn't turn his lover instead he took his life force and he became a child. They later met in the modern time while walking.

Thanks for reading! I'm in an angst ride with fluff on the side to cope. Its a habit of mine to make myself cry out the pent up emotions through materials of bittersweet love.
