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For everyone complaining about the seme.

dawny April 12, 2018 1:17 pm

Hallo everyone. If you don't like this manga, or the seme that's fine. However, there are already enough people who have said that so please don't make another comment about how you hate the seme. Please leave this manga alone if you don't like it because I do. Please. Thanks

    Arc April 12, 2018 2:22 pm

    Actually, I like them both because their personality and behavior are almost close to reality but I'm with Shinobu here.

    Hikari April 12, 2018 3:18 pm

    Everyone is allowed to express their feelings. If you hate to read negative comments so much, just try to not read them instead.

    dawny April 13, 2018 4:12 am
    Everyone is allowed to express their feelings. If you hate to read negative comments so much, just try to not read them instead. Hikari

    There are already enough negative comments. If you want to voice your opinion, why not just reply to another negative comment? I don't mind everyone having an opinion but Please just don't make a completely new comment about how you hate it, because there are enough of those. Just reply to another comment and voice your opinions there.

    Hikari April 13, 2018 10:05 am
    There are already enough negative comments. If you want to voice your opinion, why not just reply to another negative comment? I don't mind everyone having an opinion but Please just don't make a completely new... dawny

    Sucks to be you, but if people want to start an entirely new comment, wow, they can do so! How strange it is to live in a world where people have freedom of speech. Replying to something is just not the same as voicing it yourself in a new comment. If you can't handle it, like I said: just don't read them. It's as easy as that.

    dawny April 13, 2018 10:06 pm
    Sucks to be you, but if people want to start an entirely new comment, wow, they can do so! How strange it is to live in a world where people have freedom of speech. Replying to something is just not the same as... Hikari

    I'm allowed to ask them to stop to aren't I? I'm not the boss of them, so if they want make new comments on how they hate the same it's their choice. I'm just asking them not to. They don't have to listen, it's just a request.