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Meems April 13, 2018 4:42 pm

SPOILERS for 159
JUNHYUK VS SEONGHWA SCENE!!!! OMFG I'M SO HYPE AND SCARED FOR NEXT WEEK'S CHAPTER!!! While the two guys are fighting, where is our pure boi Gun? Maybe for a sadistic gag effect, the puppy will snatch Hanmi away while the two squabble?? I think I'll be needing a therapy after this webtoon ends...

    Meems April 13, 2018 6:27 pm

    Ack! The spoiler is visible on the title Σ(っ°Д °;)っ Don't look if you don't want to know that little spoiler. So sorry about that! ( ̄∇ ̄;)

    notyouraveragegirl April 15, 2018 12:39 am

    Methinks poor Jun is gonna end up in the hospital. :( Then, if I was the author and I wanted to end this in a good way (who knows when this is gonna end, but if it's soon), have the dad ask Jun to come to the United States. Jun then makes a passionate plea (lays it all out there his love, everything) for Hanmi to join him and use the excuse we are trying to escape danger.

    Then, the author writes a back story for how they fell in love years ago (my fan fiction idea actually) but decided to bury it when they went to the new school (well she reluctantly went along with his plan), so they could live a normal life. She kind of shut down her heart regarding her love for him because of him pushing her to do this, and Jun regretted it the more she kept moving away from him.

    IDK I think that would make an interesting twist to the whole situation with them. The way that they interact intimately tells me that there is a past with these two.

    candidcanine April 15, 2018 9:47 am
    Methinks poor Jun is gonna end up in the hospital. :( Then, if I was the author and I wanted to end this in a good way (who knows when this is gonna end, but if it's soon), have the dad ask Jun to come to the ... notyouraveragegirl

    Oh, I agree. There definitely, definitely is a past between those two and I'm slowly getting impatient with the time it's taking to reveal their backstory. Geez, I thought it was ending this season? I feel like this needs a few dozen more chapters to resolve it! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    But anyways, I quite like your idea of the ending for this comic but the pessimistic side of me feels as if it won't be wrapped up in such a neat little bow. Pardon me and my limited understanding of chapter 159 (I can't read the raws because I don't understand Korean too well) but it seems like Seonghwa started the fight with JH unprovoked? That fact alone is pretty fishy to me and I can't help but wonder if it's a part of his scheme; just an excuse to force HM to interfere when she runs accross them (and perhaps expose her secrets/feelings in the process). Maybe chapter 160 will finally reveal something shocking (JH and HM's relationship to the public, or HM's true feelings to us perhaps?).

    I'm not so sure, though. It's only speculation. The only thing I'd really bet on is that chapter 160 won't be able to resolve everything we want resolved XD

    notyouraveragegirl April 16, 2018 4:45 am

    I think Willow is scared to actually go there with the relationship, but hello, the scene that got this comic back on the map and popular again for a week was him fantasizing about her. THAT should tell you what we want as fans more than anything, but it's a controversial kind of ending to go there, I get that, but at least give us their freaking back story because we're not stupid, Willow. I knew the second she said porn collection that they didn't have a normal relationship.

    I almost feel Willow is growing tired of the story because there's a lot of hiatus breaks. I am sad because there's a lot of story there IMHO to tell, but I like to write not draw, so maybe it's hard to keep going there week after week.

    candidcanine April 16, 2018 9:47 am
    I think Willow is scared to actually go there with the relationship, but hello, the scene that got this comic back on the map and popular again for a week was him fantasizing about her. THAT should tell you wh... notyouraveragegirl

    I noticed the sudden spike in popularity too, in Lezhins's rankings XD I suppose Willow is well aware of how popular JHHM is. I think she has way more to lose if she DOESN'T make the ship canon, actually, since much of the MSB fanbase is rooting for them to get together. Plus, Willow already demonstrated that she's not afraid to cross lines, by making gay, lesbian, and even incestuous couples and characters canon. It's pretty rare to see such a diversity in sexualities in mangas! JHHM isn't even the most "surprising" pairing in the comic for me. They actually make sense. A lot of sense.

    So I think Willow isn't scared, per se, just... hesitant. Maybe she's still unsure of how the pairing would be perceived so she's testing the waters, and as a result she made the progress of JHHM's relationship seem to move along at a glacial pace. Which is weird, since they actually have tons of development, it's just been quietly simmering in the background. I've recently just reread the comic to brace myself for the finale and I can't even tell you the amount of times I've slapped my forehead thinking, "How did I miss this???" in regards to their development.

    And about Willow possibly getting tired of MSB: I hope that isn't the case! I'm with you, too, fellow writer, I'd be pretty disappointed and sad if she didn't at least give us the full backstory. ╥﹏╥ The reason why I was attracted to this story in the first place is by how it subverts tropes and defies expectations, yet somehow manages to make its plot twists make sense... Willow is a really good storyteller! MSB's come too far just to succumb to a terrible rushed ending. It'd be such a shame for her to lose interest and not give a satisfying conclusion when she's in the home stretch.

    Meems April 16, 2018 11:59 pm
    Methinks poor Jun is gonna end up in the hospital. :( Then, if I was the author and I wanted to end this in a good way (who knows when this is gonna end, but if it's soon), have the dad ask Jun to come to the ... notyouraveragegirl

    Junhyuk getting hospitalized is unlikely since Seonghwa would get an expulsion. I also doubt Junhyuk is going to make any more move here, we're all waiting for Hanmi's turn now. Whatever that might be, whether she would give the him the ultimatum on where their relationship should stand or cross the boundaries and give in. She can't keep on jumping back and forth forever. I can take a guess that the next(and last) chapter title would be 'She could not stop it/She can't be stopped' to parallel Junhyuk's chapter(150) and that would be a nice final touch for a story called 'unstoppable siblings'. Though she claimed to be the most selfish of all, I don't see Hanmi abandoning her friends for the sake of romance when she herself doesn't want to be abandoned. They would be just running away again. That would leave a bad taste for an ending, unless that's what the author is going for with them being 'unstoppable' but I don't wan them to ditch Ginny again. That's just too cruel. Though maybe if they say their farewells to them and they understand then it's possible. With Hanmi asking Ginny to take care of her friends while she goes away and try to solve the problem??

    As for their backstory, I think we're finally going see the last main piece of it next chapter. What made them have boundaries, why do they have to pretend to be a family infront of her mom, why they shouldn't reveal that they're related in their new school. What if Seonghwa found out something about their relationship that provoked him to attack Junhyuk.

    On the topic of when they developed feelings for one another, I think it started out early as a crush in their childhood and it eventually grew into something more. For Hanmi, the time when Junhyuk stopped the kids from gossiping about her and invited her to play. For Junhyuk, when Hanmi stopped him for leaving their home to look for his father. Perhaps the incident with Seonghwa in their old school was what trigger and open the state of their relationship. Now I wonder where Willow will go from here if she's going to end it that it's just a dependency and abandonment issues, an attachment that refuses to be apart?? I hope not, I'm going to be scarred forever and be haunted on the what ifs of this pair.

    Meems April 17, 2018 12:03 am
    Oh, I agree. There definitely, definitely is a past between those two and I'm slowly getting impatient with the time it's taking to reveal their backstory. Geez, I thought it was ending this season? I feel like... candidcanine

    The author did say it supposed to end on chapter 160 and then she will add an epilogue/short comics about their future. Who knows maybe we could have a few more chapter before that.

    Omg finally someone who has the same theory as mine! Seonghwa's plan might not even be involved with Gyeongtae and his gang, they're just props to distract Hanmi from his original plan. Seonghwa might still care for Hanmi but I remember when he told her how love can turn into hate from his experience. Juri and maybe even Hyeran are his key players in this plan. Gun wasn't part of his plan but he was drag into it due to his relationship with Hanmi. I mean, Hanmi doesn't know how big Senghwa's network is for her to not know Juri is one of his people. I like Hyeran but she's suspicious as hell especially with that 'I was going to stay out and just enjoy watching the situation' dialogue. Her conversation with Ginny, she mentioned she likes a good mess and now she's involved with a certain messed up pair. *cough*What a coincidence, right?*cough* To boot my suspicion, rather than helping Junhyuk she seems to be pushing him to spend more time with Hanmi. She may like Junhyuk but maybe her amusement on the cousins' situation is more stronger?? Juri is his intel on Hanmi. Hyeran on the otherhand, might be assigned to Junhyuk and wasn't inform that much which is why she doesn't know who Hanmi was.
    Their involvement and interference to JHHM's relationship built a tension that's waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb. Once the cat is out the bag, their reputation will be ruined. This way Seonghwa can have his revenge and won't get an expulsion at the same time since it was done without resorting to violence. He used their relationship, the one that got him expelled, as a weapon in return is wickedly clever. Unless they saw that coming, how they will handle the situation and what Gun, their friends and the school's reaction will be is up to Willow.

    I think the reason he started a fight with Junhyuk is because he picked up that something happened between him and Hanmi. I guess he knows from the way how stunned Hanmi look when he was asked her if she finally gave up on him and abandoned him. He was referring to Gun but the panel shows Junhyuk on Chapter 150 so that's probably what crossed her mind. As you said, this might be part of his scheme and he was half acting. Hanmi would get involved and all hell will break loose with the scandalous secret out. Or she might get a word of it late and go to Junhyuk's place where a different type of hell might happen ( ° ʖ °) HAHAHA I'm so sorry! I'm pretty sure once Hanmi makes a move, whatever's left on Junhyuk's restraint will come loose (≧∀≦)

    Meems April 17, 2018 12:23 am
    I think Willow is scared to actually go there with the relationship, but hello, the scene that got this comic back on the map and popular again for a week was him fantasizing about her. THAT should tell you wh... notyouraveragegirl

    Lol there's actually a 4 strip 4-koma where they watched porn together but it's not translated tho. It's like a mini prologue of the prologue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Here's the link:

    london April 17, 2018 5:31 am
    Lol there's actually a 4 strip 4-koma where they watched porn together but it's not translated tho. It's like a mini prologue of the prologue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭Here's the link: @Meems

    Hey can't anyone just translate this..I really want to know what they are talking ang thinking

    london April 17, 2018 5:44 am
    The author did say it supposed to end on chapter 160 and then she will add an epilogue/short comics about their future. Who knows maybe we could have a few more chapter before that.Omg finally someone who has t... @Meems

    1st- you have lots of time

    candidcanine April 17, 2018 9:27 am
    The author did say it supposed to end on chapter 160 and then she will add an epilogue/short comics about their future. Who knows maybe we could have a few more chapter before that.Omg finally someone who has t... @Meems

    Oof that's a really nice theory! I had only initially suspected that Seonghwa was involved in another scheme other than Gyeongtae, but it hasn't even occurred to me that Hyeran might be in on it too! I thought she was more of a passive observer who only got involved because she was curious (like a "wild card", if you will), but I agree with you that her sudden meddling seems off. It's like she interfered because she wanted to create more tension between Junhyuk and Hanmi. Let's see what role she plays in 160 (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ either she's a setup by Seonghwa or a plot device by Willow that serves as an obstacle to the JHHM relationship. I wonder if she'll show up during the JH vs. SH fight?

    Us shippers have really been getting so much love from the story lately, no? Even though it's the most hellish time for JH and HM (≧∀≦) I practically flipped out in chapter 153 when Jua and Hanmi were having a conversation. When Jua mentioned something about his bro being a "stain that he can't remove" and Hanmi immediately thought of Junhyuk I was like "...wait. Haven't I read this before?" I went back to read the earlier chapters and. Shit. In chapter 76 Ginny was teasing Gun about Hanmi she asked him what he was going to do if Hanmi still liked someone, that "inside her, there was a dark stain left." Surely that metaphor wasn't brought up again without a reason? What does it mean, if nothing's going to happen between these two??? The callbacks and foreshadowing are KILLING ME. There's just so many unknown variables to watch out for and the last chapter supposedly comes out this week.

    This webcomic isn't good for my heart Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    notyouraveragegirl April 19, 2018 6:52 pm
    Oof that's a really nice theory! I had only initially suspected that Seonghwa was involved in another scheme other than Gyeongtae, but it hasn't even occurred to me that Hyeran might be in on it too! I thought ... candidcanine

    Wait, last chapter as in the end, END? Oh, no.

    Meems April 19, 2018 9:32 pm

    @london Don't I? It's been a week since my school break started so I guess I owe my free time to that. Also, am I supposed to take offense with your words? I was just a casual reader enjoying the rom-com w/ a dash of badass genre until I got drag deep shit in this webtoon after reading chapter 95 & 96. The angst, the inner turmoil, and the tension were all too good to denyIt's so addictive that there's no turning back Since the story is close to an end, I might as well put out all my thoughts. I do apologize if my lengthy comments are a nuisance to some of you here. I have no one to discuss this webtoon anywhere else, especially in IRL

    Meems April 19, 2018 10:06 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! @Meems

    I think I broke the reply limit. My comments won't load, saying it was deleted by the author of the pot when i'm author of the topic herself

    Meems April 19, 2018 10:27 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! @Meems

    Yep, I think it's broken ╮( ̄▽ ̄;)╭

    london April 20, 2018 5:54 am
    @london Don't I? It's been a week since my school break started so I guess I owe my free time to that. Also, am I supposed to take offense with your words? I was just a casual reader enjoying the rom-com w/ a ... @Meems

    No plz don't take any offence you know I have also written a long reply to yours but I don't know why it got deleted actually I quite like your comments some times I really miss es some parts so this conversationso actually help me to clarify them, as you can see I have written 1st their also was a second part in it that was about the 3rd line from last of your comment that there many people out there who are wishing for that different type of hell to happen you see I was really amused finding someone who has same thoughts as me and it happens that I found out about my comment only today because I got a notification and lastly plz forgive my rudeness I m really sorry

    Meems April 20, 2018 4:09 pm
    No plz don't take any offence you know I have also written a long reply to yours but I don't know why it got deleted actually I quite like your comments some times I really miss es some parts so this conversati... london

    Oh, it's cool! I just didn't know how to interpret it at first but I had a hunch your reply was cut off when number of replies didn't add up to what was shown here and I couldn't make any long replies anymore.

    notyouraveragegirl April 21, 2018 6:00 am
    @london Don't I? It's been a week since my school break started so I guess I owe my free time to that. Also, am I supposed to take offense with your words? I was just a casual reader enjoying the rom-com w/ a ... @Meems

    I enjoy your comments. That person is being rude and obnoxious.

    london April 21, 2018 10:05 am
    I enjoy your comments. That person is being rude and obnoxious. notyouraveragegirl

    Girl my comment got deleted after a certain line and that just 180 degree changed my comment and make it look bad...I was actually praising her with some sarcasm yea talk about bad luck and I have already apologised to her look at the previous replies so just have some mercy

    Meems April 22, 2018 8:38 pm
    I enjoy your comments. That person is being rude and obnoxious. notyouraveragegirl

    No, no. It's just a misunderstanding caused by cut-off replies in this thread. ( ̄∇ ̄") Some of our replies were either cut short or not shown at all. I appreciate your concern but we're all good here!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~