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The legit chapter

Vampire Queen April 16, 2018 4:53 pm

The legit chapter of this (with the crossover) can be found in one of the koro series extras the series is: 1.Otokogokoro 2. Koibitogokoro 3. Koigokoro 4. Tokimekigokoro

    Pwayehh Shwawit November 5, 2018 8:21 am

    is this only 1 chapter? need more.

    Vampire Queen November 5, 2018 5:03 pm
    is this only 1 chapter? need more. Pwayehh Shwawit

    It's part of a series. This is just 1 chapter out of numerous others across the 4 books mentioned. They are all on mangago just search for them.

    ral September 17, 2019 10:33 pm
    It's part of a series. This is just 1 chapter out of numerous others across the 4 books mentioned. They are all on mangago just search for them. Vampire Queen

    Do you know which chapter/volume the legit one is in? Cuz even on the Original page for this manga its the same as this april fools one.

    Vampire Queen September 18, 2019 4:19 am
    Do you know which chapter/volume the legit one is in? Cuz even on the Original page for this manga its the same as this april fools one. ral

    I'm not the specific chapter of which volume but just read the series in the above order and you will definitely come across it.

    ral September 18, 2019 5:34 am
    I'm not the specific chapter of which volume but just read the series in the above order and you will definitely come across it. Vampire Queen
