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Warining: rant! If you don't agree you can continue to scroll down

Mélimélo-chan April 19, 2018 10:58 pm

Everything about this manga is so god damn annoying! Like how stupid can you be!
First, Chitose! You don't just go off to another city for a guy you don't even know bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
And then all this useless drama about the couple! Any sane person would realize that this relationship is more toxic than helpful siiiiiiiigh I was serioulsy considering dropping it the moment I realised they were not in love and all that bullshit but still wanted to know the exact reason so I continued!
I might continue to read cause I absolutely want these people to break up for their sake and everyone else! Siiigh how dumb can characters be tho
