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Do real life sex feels as good as shown in comics????? I hope I am not too disappointed wh...

Nife April 22, 2018 1:20 pm

Do real life sex feels as good as shown in comics????? I hope I am not too disappointed when I find out!! :p

    Monohara April 22, 2018 1:27 pm

    I swear. . Coz I've been comparing it with porn and I'm getting disappointed by the results

    cookyluv April 22, 2018 1:52 pm

    I think there's no second round just after you finished the first like in manga. You just won't be able to.

    Anonymous April 22, 2018 2:34 pm

    Yes it does. With the right partner. It's like your whole body melts and your mind gets all foggy... it's better than drugs, I tell you.

    Right in the kokoro April 22, 2018 2:44 pm

    Hurts like a bitch the first time. But do it with someone you love and it'll be worth it and start to feel a lot better after the first time.

    takame April 22, 2018 3:37 pm
    I think there's no second round just after you finished the first like in manga. You just won't be able to. cookyluv

    Huh yes there could be a second round... Or a third.
    It actually depends on the Constitution of the couple.

    kurarisu April 22, 2018 3:40 pm

    It feels amazing, but make sure that if you’re on the receiving end/getting dick, then:

    - You lube up because otherwise it’s going to hurt. And KEEP lubing up because that lube goes away after some time and then the friction hurts.
    - Stretch yourself beforehand with fingers or a sex toy, because once again it’ll hurt otherwise.
    - To some, the act itself is what really feels good, and not the climax.
    - Pee before and afterwards, otherwise bacteria starts to store up and you’d want to avoid a UTI.
    - There ARE second rounds, but after a short while. Usually, a break can last between 10-20 minutes before y’all are ready to go for another round.

    Monohara April 22, 2018 3:53 pm
    It feels amazing, but make sure that if you’re on the receiving end/getting dick, then:- You lube up because otherwise it’s going to hurt. And KEEP lubing up because that lube goes away after some time and ... kurarisu

    Dang thats too much . And i was thinking of having anal but now I'm off

    cookyluv April 22, 2018 4:48 pm
    Huh yes there could be a second round... Or a third. It actually depends on the Constitution of the couple. takame

    I meant like right after the first round. Maybe after a few minutes its possible but.... Or with drugs. They need gaps in between hahha

    Anonymous April 22, 2018 5:16 pm
    Yes it does. With the right partner. It's like your whole body melts and your mind gets all foggy... it's better than drugs, I tell you. @Anonymous

    Really? I kinda find it hard to believe

    Anonymous April 23, 2018 1:26 pm
    Really? I kinda find it hard to believe @Anonymous

    yea really, it's almost like being high, just a different way of high. Not always though. It's hard to explain honestly

    kurarisu April 23, 2018 3:15 pm
    Dang thats too much . And i was thinking of having anal but now I'm off Monohara

    Anal is a bit more complicated, but you don’t have to be turned off by it. You’d have to:

    - Throughly clean yourself to avoid poop or other fecal matter from spilling or staining.
    - If you don’t know their sexual health status (e.g do they have an STI?), a condom is necessary to avoid most STIs from transferring + once again, leftover poop could rub off on your partner’s dick.
    - If you’re a female, then you don’t have a pleasure spot (prostate) in your butt like a dude’s. It’ll feel a bit more uncomfortable and painful if you’re female unlike getting dicked down through your vagina. If you’re a guy, stimulate your prostrate beforehand. It feels a lot better for a guy than a girl.