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1. Hyesung still think of himself as an "Alpha", which is the same as everyone telling you...

Turbo April 24, 2018 7:22 am

1. Hyesung still think of himself as an "Alpha", which is the same as everyone telling you know you are not a boy, you're a girl and vice versa. This little "Alpha turn omega" is confuse right now.
2. When he is in heat, it is like an "omega beast" that has been sleeping inside of him woke up because of Dojin(probably its mate). Thus, hyesung acts on instinct(yep! think of cat in heat lol) did the deed with dojin. But, the thing is he didn't know anything about it afterwards, and blaming dojin for taking adventage of him. In a back of his mind, he still thinks he is an "Alpha".
3. Dojin, tasting the forbidden fruit, thought that hyesung is his muse. He hate "omega", so he was confused as well. Of course, the thougt of "fate mate" or "love" didn't cross his mind at all. Technically, it was a foreign feeling for him to be in love with an omega(Hyesung). Therefore, he is trying to taste thing out with anothef omega to see if he feel the same thing. However, the result is......
4. This time dojin really did it. For the first time hyesung did it with dojin when he was sober and awake. That little smol still can't accept it. Eventhough he feels good from it, he is subborn so he would not admit that easily. Now, I think he got even more confuse. I think he needs some time to rethink.
Of course, I do think that hyesung subborness should change. I hope he will mature later on. And, hope that dojin will be a little more understanding. This is just my analysis so don't take it personally.

    Murano April 24, 2018 7:37 am

    That was a very detailed explanation. Thank you