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Fuck that jealousz thing.. why does Mo have dark circles around his eyes and Did he sleep ...

Arthur April 24, 2018 3:52 pm

Fuck that jealousz thing.. why does Mo have dark circles around his eyes and Did he sleep overrrrrrr ?

    Anonymous April 24, 2018 7:34 pm

    he said he would leave once he tian settled in and he clearly obviously left when his mother called... god, did you not read the last chapter at all.

    Scatty McShartyfarts April 25, 2018 12:06 am
    he said he would leave once he tian settled in and he clearly obviously left when his mother called... god, did you not read the last chapter at all. @Anonymous

    chill the fuck out, anonymous

    Arthur April 25, 2018 5:22 pm
    chill the fuck out, anonymous Scatty McShartyfarts

    I was sitting in the office and reading the comment and I felt like maan what should I do? And like thinking of rereading.. anonymous got me thinking about my life and all of my mistakes until I read your comment and came back to reality. I am laughing so hard. Have a nice day you two!

    Arthur April 25, 2018 5:23 pm
    he said he would leave once he tian settled in and he clearly obviously left when his mother called... god, did you not read the last chapter at all. @Anonymous

    OMFG I DID NOT! Thank youu!