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ampantan April 25, 2018 3:03 pm

why is everyone saying kou cheated when they werent even together to begin with? not until the last chapter anyway.

and pls no strawman argument.

    akvileeagle April 25, 2018 3:36 pm

    I literally don't get this logic lol so it's completely okay to lead someone on, make them feel special and loved, kiss them and have sex with them and go on dates together and they even tell you they love you... and then going off to fuck other people? Just because they didn't say 'okay we're boyfriends now'? Personallyyyy I still very much consider this as cheating ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    takame April 25, 2018 3:40 pm

    it is not cheating technically... more like "leading someone on". but yeah, i don't think it's cheating. however, regardless of how you call it, what seme did is still bad. it's not cool man. in my language it's called "paasa".

    Anonymous April 25, 2018 4:10 pm

    Kou never said that he 'loved' Shinobu....not even fact Shinobu reflects on the fact that Kou never told him his feelings when he decided to break up....But that still said, what Kou obviously did was beyond unforgivable.....

    ampantan April 26, 2018 1:52 am
    I literally don't get this logic lol so it's completely okay to lead someone on, make them feel special and loved, kiss them and have sex with them and go on dates together and they even tell you they love you... akvileeagle

    literally no one one (not even I) have said that it was okay. like the 2 replies below you, it was just a case of leading someone on and one side believing they were together in a committed relationship. and no, kou never said he loved shinobu soo..

    akvileeagle April 26, 2018 9:43 am
    literally no one one (not even I) have said that it was okay. like the 2 replies below you, it was just a case of leading someone on and one side believing they were together in a committed relationship. and no... ampantan

    I never said Kou did, but Shinobu did, and my point was that you know the other party is in love with you, there is a responsibility there for you, and what he did might as well be considered cheating or worse. My argument was that there's a lack of logic in labels - someone does something awful but people want to be politically correct about how 'they weren't even going out' lmao like that makes any sort of difference to what he did. What do you call it then if not cheating? Deceiving? Hardly a difference between those because to cheat is to deceive or be dishonest....