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really suspicious ryan

Rea Nikiforov April 26, 2018 8:51 am

The part in which Ryan said if Lucoan died do you want the Selvior Mansion Sihan is way to suspicious. Ryan might have a lead of the culprit but, its so damn annoying after trying to protect Lucoan even trying to kill kyon then suddenly gives up gives me a weird vibe about him. Also the part where he says sorry to kyon is way to sketchy as if like he has some type of goal or some sort. Then I hate ms. Cecilia but she does have a point that Edwin might have spilled the information about Intron.

    clouds April 26, 2018 9:58 am

    Making dark jokes about death/inheritance isn't out of the ordinary and is usually a coping skill. "Well I'll be having your rings, if you are going to kick the bucket then" is meant in jest to lighten the mood. (sorry for the lame example) , but maybe it's more a cultural thing, a bit of gallows humour shouldn't necessarily be incriminating. Ryan was drunk/emotional at the time too.

    Rea Nikiforov April 26, 2018 10:25 am
    Making dark jokes about death/inheritance isn't out of the ordinary and is usually a coping skill. "Well I'll be having your rings, if you are going to kick the bucket then" is meant in jest to lighten the moo... clouds

    Yes he may be drunk but dont you think it can be a hidden message from the writer leaving us to think that all what ryan hyung said was just because he was drunk but then it was a greater key into solving the case into how Lucaon was poisoned