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holy shit

koerndl April 27, 2018 8:53 pm

just now (after rereading) it occured to me that jin-chan is a total weirdo. *lol* WHO takes a spare key & creeps into your bed in the middle of the n8??? (⊙…⊙ ) Even his eyes sometimes look crazy drawn for me!!
I'd put up w/ his biting & staring, heck that's hot. (▰˘◡˘▰)
Probs to neko-chan for asking him 'THE' question & slapping him, just maybe some talk wouldn't have been so baaad a tiny, little bit earlier:

'Jin-chan, why're you staring, biting & kissing me?'
J: staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare........
'Jin-chan stop, do u like me?'
J: boooom, mindblown, it never occured to me... I'm randomly biting, licking and kissing ppl aaaaalll the time...

If there isn't some POV chap for him sometime I'll stay lost... That mans thoughtprocess is a mystery for me too. :-D
