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anibotics April 28, 2018 9:51 am


as tragic as death is in any case, if I had to pick the lesser of the two evils between Jaehas and Yoenhos deaths, I think that being Jaeha in the first ending (not the alternative one) would be heartbreaking. not only did Jaeha wait 10 years thinking and hoping to whatever god up there that he'll somehow meet Yoenho again, but he also witnessed the same person die right in front of him without even being able to speak a single word to him first. I mean, as Jaeha pointed out, 10 years is a long time for him and Yoenho can't object because he spent 10 years without remembering Jaeha much (and potentially hoping to forget about Jaeha altogether). so, in the end, Jaeha was given hope for a better future and then had it dragged out of him and crushed right before his eyes when he saw Yoenho again. plus, I am positive (knowing Jaehas personality) that hes blaming himself for what happened. hes blaming himself himself for not dying 10 years ago because now he believes that he caused Yoenho to die in the end. Yoenho regretted Jaehas death because of something that he didn't do and things that he didn't say (or said instead) while Jaeha blames himself for something that he believed was a direct consequent of his actions in Yoenhos death. I would rather have this experience of connecting to the past be something that helps Yoenho get proper closure, instead of something that places Jaeha in such a position. like I said above, having neither of them dying would be one of the better endings, however, if I had to choose who to be in this scenario, I would not want to be Jaeha. regardless, this was an amazing manhwa and something I will keep coming back to in the future!
