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senpaiesdeath April 28, 2018 11:35 pm

Ok, I'm looking for an gay asian movie about two guy classmates. Lets
call them boy a and boy b
One day this new kid (boy b) transfers to boy a's school, and the teacher asks boy a to take responsibility for him. They spend more time together, i think boy a gets confessed to by a girl boy b likes, and they get into issue over that, but the movie continues showing them grow up, one gets into a motorcycle (bike) accident at one point. But its mostly about them growing up and one sided feelings, i cant remember the name or the language, but I remember that vague plot summary, if anyone has an idea of what it is, pls help, thanks

    FrenzyFujoshi(> <) April 29, 2018 3:29 am

    Eternal summer? Taiwanese movie.
    But boy b is not a transfer student, he's a troublemaker, that's why the teach forces boy a to be friends with boy b.
    And also apparently boy a already likes boy b. Rest of the plot is somewhat similar. I hope it's this. (=・ω・=)

    senpaiesdeath May 1, 2018 2:30 pm

    I think thats it? Thank you