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Phillyfujoshiqueen April 30, 2018 10:08 pm

Ended. What!!! I want to see his father fuck him stupid. I want to see it....and now. Dammit. Im off to find some more incest. Dont judge me fuckers....we all know your doing the same. Tehehe

    Anonymous May 18, 2018 2:03 am

    You nasty bitch. That’s a father and a son! That’s like someone wanting to watch you with your own mother! Bet that grossed you out didn’t it? Good! That’s how you should feel seeing things like this! It’s gross and not right! That’s family!

    Phillyfujoshiqueen May 18, 2018 2:45 pm

    Hahahaha no fucking way. Its a fucking story dicktard....drawn of frigging paper. So fucking what if i want to see that, what's it got to do with you. Fuck all. I dont give a shit, i want to see it, so that's it. Jog on.

    Phillyfujoshiqueen May 18, 2018 2:51 pm

    Plus. That kid wanted it. So clearly its intended for us to enjoy. Are you gonna go a bitch at the author now to for writing it. Piss off.

    Anonymous March 30, 2019 8:24 am

    You people are all fucked in the head for thinking that’s okay, fictional or not. That’s just so fucking morbid.

    Dylan_D21 June 23, 2019 1:13 am
    You people are all fucked in the head for thinking that’s okay, fictional or not. That’s just so fucking morbid. @Anonymous

    Chill, it's just a story... And of course, we don't support rape irl but this is all fictional anyway. If the author have written a story about rape, then be it. Let her do whatever she wants to do. ( ̄∇ ̄") (we all have our own fetishes anyway)