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Workers have it hard too

Mimi May 2, 2018 4:48 pm

Being a housewife is hard but the situation the man explained is understandable. If you've been at work all day, you would want to at least come home to a clean house (unless you don't mind a dirty house) and a meal. Its the same as having a dead beat guy who is at home doing nothing around the house while the other is at work providing for their living expenses. The other has all day to clean and cook which is not hard if you clean up regularly and plan your meals with your partner when you have the time. The housewife may be tired but so is the husband. Not saying they shouldn't have time to be lazy but both have to do their part. Its a marriage. They both should provide for each other. Its surprising that after a tiring day at work the person should be expected to make their own meals and probably even clean up if the house is dirty and they can't stand having a dirty house. If the woman has neither cooked a meal or cleaned the house then exactly what has she been doing? Its sad that everyone hates on the guy for wanting something simple like that. Everyone said being a housewife is hard because cooking and cleaning but forget he said she didn't do any of that. But I guess working a job isn't hard enough.

    Anonymous May 2, 2018 6:53 pm

    Yeah, but the issue was the guy also told him that he should get married to he could have someone else do that "troublesome stuff", he was reducing marriage to that and giving the worst kind of advice ever. The rest, though, I don't really have an issue with (unless he entered the marriage with that mindset, in which case the wife would right in trying to teach him a lesson or two).

    Mimi May 2, 2018 10:03 pm
    Yeah, but the issue was the guy also told him that he should get married to he could have someone else do that "troublesome stuff", he was reducing marriage to that and giving the worst kind of advice ever. The... @Anonymous

    That wasn't the problem I was addressing. I was talking about those who were saying being a housewife was hard work and bashing him for being upset about wanting a meal cooked and a clean home. That's something any home owner would want. Definitely since he's providing financially and, if what he said was true, her not doing anything. I'm not saying he isn't an asshole but what he explained was reasonable. I know most probably don't understand what its like to have a job but most are tired when they get home. A clean house should be a given but preparing a meal for your hardworking partner is something housewives do. Because they love their families.

    Mimi May 2, 2018 10:34 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! yaoi-luv

    Exactly. People are looking at it as if she's doing what a true housewife would do. And even then, he's still providing financially for the both of them. He's doing his part to keep food in the fridge, a roof over their head and clothes on their backs. People are quick to defend housewives but forget he's working hard too. There's obviously miscommunication ln both sides and they're not happy together. Either he's exaggerating or she's just a lazy wife.

    Bloodberry May 3, 2018 9:07 am

    Well it goes both ways. Yes if the husband work and the wife is an housewife then she is in charge of that. But going both ways meaning:
    Carry and help each other. Being a husband that work, coming home tired to a house and a wife, that was busy all day with YOUR (both of theirs everythings) kids, laundry, cleaning repeatedly after the kids, making breakfast, lunch, dinner. It completely drain you. And as a mother and a housewife you dont get a break.
    So when you come home and leave your dirty playes or beer cans just around. Expecting your wive to clean it after you. Not bothering to say thank you everyday. Its just a big no.
    Cause after being excited that you come home, just to do MORE cleaning and cooking, bathing, putting kids to bed. And then expecting love at the end if the just no.
    Thats why it goes both ways. Just like she tell you to have a good day at work and do your best. Just like that you need to praise and support her too. And do small things that make her already long day easier too.
    As it is you are partners and have both reaponsibilities. Just cause one work and one so called housewife just sitting at home. You still need to work together on that partnership.
    You have to water the seed so that it will grow. Give it sun and water to stay alive.

    SH47 May 3, 2018 9:30 am

    I can understand both sides. But, the one thing I hate is when a man or woman disrespects their spouse if the other stays home. Yes, you want to relax once you get home from working all day. But, he gets to ‘clock out’. A homemaker never clocks out. They are on the job 24/7. No breaks. No vacations. Now, this mainly applies to households with children. If there are no kids in the marrige, then get a job ya bum!

    Mimi May 3, 2018 1:42 pm
    Well it goes both ways. Yes if the husband work and the wife is an housewife then she is in charge of that. But going both ways meaning:Carry and help each other. Being a husband that work, coming home tired to... Bloodberry

    I don't think we're talking about the same situation. I'm pretty sure it was only him and his wife and she's staying home not doing anything from what he says. A housewife would cook and clean, right? But he said she's not doing any of that. Which is the problem. And never said he shouldn't clean up after himself which wasn't stated he was doing that. We know he has a job and we know he's working while he has q wife at home. We also know that he says she hasn't been cleaning nor cooking.

    Also, housework isn't that hard if you do them regularly. Not only that, cooking isn't much of a chore when you're cooking for two people and she only really has to cook a meal for dinner since that is when he'd probably come home. I think it may be hard for others because it gets kinda boring do the same thing daily and sometimes people just need time to be lazy, which is fine, but you can't just do nothing all day everyday; which the husband is saying the wife is doing. It takes two to take care of the a house when in marriage. He's taking care of it financially and the one not working usually takes care of it physically. But I'm only speaking in terms of his story being true.

    Tovah May 3, 2018 2:22 pm

    Sure but to get that you'd either need to clean after urself as soon as you use something and tech your children to do the same, or not get a family at all (so cleaning after urself still stands). In any case, it might be comfy to come home to a hotel clean house, but it's not a realistic wish unless you employ an actual cleaner.

    Tovah May 3, 2018 2:27 pm

    now I hate cleaning and I live in a country where housewives are rare so I can't really understand the wish some have to become housewives instead of earning money they can use as they please. I'd rather be a cleaner and earn salary tbh, especially if I had a partner who treated me like a cleaner instead of a wife

    SH47 May 3, 2018 7:37 pm
    now I hate cleaning and I live in a country where housewives are rare so I can't really understand the wish some have to become housewives instead of earning money they can use as they please. I'd rather be a ... Tovah

    A maid and a ‘hole’, instead of a partner :(

    Mimi May 3, 2018 7:42 pm
    Sure but to get that you'd either need to clean after urself as soon as you use something and tech your children to do the same, or not get a family at all (so cleaning after urself still stands). In any case, ... Tovah

    That has nothing to do with the situation. I'm talking about this situation which does not involve kids. I guess I'm just more clean than others in that sense. And, yes, anyone would want a clean house unless you don't mind a dirty one. I'm not talking about completely spotless. But its a good idea to clean up after yourself, it reduces how dirty anything gets. I don't expect anyone to do it all the time but by god do so to keep the house clean. Especially since she's one person it shouldn't be hard to clean up after herself. And I doubt she could create a mess he'd fuss over in one day. It'd have to be over time. Definitely since I don't think they have kids. Realistically, this should happen. Do you clean up after yourself? Any clean person would. Or not even clean person but a person who at least wants a clean house.

    Tovah May 5, 2018 9:47 am

    Ok I went back and reread it, partially to find more exactly what issues I have about what he said, and the number one thing is that he basically says wives are for being housewives. "You should get a wife so you'll have it easier" he sort of says and that's a bit presumptuous that all wives want to be housewives, if wager his wife doesn't, since she isn't very good at it. Then he also doesn't help out during the day off which gives off the feeling that they might have a house that is difficult to keep clean, or maybe he's a slob.

    Mimi May 5, 2018 12:54 pm
    Ok I went back and reread it, partially to find more exactly what issues I have about what he said, and the number one thing is that he basically says wives are for being housewives. "You should get a wife so y... Tovah

    That wasn't what this post was about. I said the situation he explained was understandable. I wasn't talking about what he considered her to be or anything. That just means he's misinformed. But he's still doing his part. That's all.

    Tovah May 6, 2018 12:51 am
    That wasn't what this post was about. I said the situation he explained was understandable. I wasn't talking about what he considered her to be or anything. That just means he's misinformed. But he's still doin... Mimi

    I guess, but you don't know if he is either. We only know this character from that conversation in which he is made to look like a bad/dumb person by the mc/mangaka.