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i am a full pledge ally of the uke's but for (1st chapter) just fucking annoys me...

Sans May 3, 2018 2:41 pm

i am a full pledge ally of the uke's but for (1st chapter) just fucking annoys me so much that i kept wishing hed die! The uke.was so dumb and stupidly insecure its unbearable..irritates me so much! Urghh!! I feel sorry for the seme though i will admit that the seme is at fault too for not saying his feelings a lil sooner that it escalated things but im still on his side for this story and as for the second one i hated like seriously H.A.T.E main reason for me was because the eldest(ukes bro) who i thought was (and is the most suited to be ) a seme turned out to be the uke!! Pissed me off like hell!! I was about to drop it but then i realized that it was the last page .. Now that i think about it! I disliked both the brothers for diffrent reasons Hah!
I did like the first story though and would have loved it if the uke wasnt such a brat!
