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What is with this thing?!

NekuChan May 4, 2018 12:00 pm

Okay, I've wondered this for the longest time, but why does almost every Yaoi couple seem to think it's bad to move together in fear of being found out? Like excuse me but it's called a personal life for a reason. They always act like the other could get fired but being gay is not a valid reason to fire someone for fuck's sake. Move together, get encaged, adopt a baby for all I care, but that has nothing to do with THEM. U G H.
Sorry for this rant but I just had to get it out of my system -.-"

    Hanan-chan June 18, 2018 10:31 pm

    That's what every reasonable person with the right mindset would think and I'm glad there are people out there like you,
    but reality is sadly still full of ignorant, homophobe, intolerant and racist people!

    Of course it still depends so much on who you are stuck with, if you are lucky you could have the nicest boss, coworkers, landlord, parents...etc.
    And even though I am myself from one of the supposedly most developed countries, just like Japan is supposed to be, you could be one of the unlucky ones who meet their worst enemy just because you are homosexuell, for example.

    Perfect real life example how fucked up some landlords can be, one sick woman here in my country gets thrown out of her apartment because her breathing apparatus is "too loud"! No kidding, as if being ill isn't enough, same bastard wants to give you the finishing blow!
    I can imagine and understand why they are so careful, especially 'cause I have seen the ugly of the world with my own eyes.

    CJL December 14, 2019 1:28 am

    It's different in Japan though, you could get fired if someone were to find out. It's not as bad now, but there is still a lot of prejudice.

    NekuChan December 14, 2019 6:13 pm
    It's different in Japan though, you could get fired if someone were to find out. It's not as bad now, but there is still a lot of prejudice. CJL

    Ugh that is so stupid,,,, but at least it's better now (╯°Д °)╯╧╧