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I don't know

DemFeels May 4, 2018 9:28 pm

I don't know lately I've been feeling really lonely as soon as I come home from wherever I came from be it from a whole day out or a day from school. It's gotten to the point that I even reinstalled kik (something I haven't used in over 3 years) but as you could have imagined all the people I knew either left to go somewhere else or left kik all together like me so I decided to join random chats(didnt end up with much cause I have an odd personality type I guess) and its just not working. I remembered why I hated kik but I also have some fond memories with some good friends.
I guess what I'm saying is that at night I just feel inexplicably lonely and I just wanna chat with a group of people. Its like I cant even handle not talking to someone. I don't even know why I'm making this post but oh well who cares I guess.

    ermar May 4, 2018 9:43 pm

    feel free to text me if u like^^

    kedamono May 4, 2018 9:46 pm

    I kind of find myself in the same situation at times, mostly when I'm bored and got nothing to do, that's when I start really getting into my mind and I realize how lonely I feel and even am at times...if you wanna chat by the way, I have kik too, just dropping it here

    DemFeels May 4, 2018 10:32 pm

    Thank you for the replies. I'll be sure to message you guys in the morning~