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The story for the third one was kinda abrupt in the middle. Slight spoiler** ** Like okay ...

Rain May 7, 2018 5:31 am

The story for the third one was kinda abrupt in the middle.
Slight spoiler**
Like okay basically your brother and tribe were wounded (killed?) and you and the mage are just like oop let's go. Also the mage did magic in front of the humans to stop the human/wolf from attacking and the villagers say nothing about it? Ehhhhhhh.

    Mameiha December 7, 2018 11:23 am

    I agree with you on ypur first point. There was no lead up or indication that the wolf-boy and mage had any feelings for each other. However, on the second point, everyone in the village calls him a wizard and a mage and openly speaks about the magic he can do. So, witnessing it wouldn't be that surprising. He tells the wolf-boy he is only a doctor and not a mage to discourage the boy from becoming dependent on magic as a means to fix everything. Since the boy knows that the mage can use magic already, this is an obvious but purposeful lie.