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There was no one for me to like in this story.. A rapist, a friend who walks away and lets...

iamb May 8, 2018 5:08 am

There was no one for me to like in this story.. A rapist, a friend who walks away and lets it happen and the victim who falls in love with his rapist. Yea, I know, it's yaoi, but that's not why I read yaoi, these type of stories can still p*ss me off. :)

    YaoiLife June 21, 2018 7:46 pm

    I hate that Ryuu somehow suddenly fell in love with the guy who raped him, it was twisted. I wanted him to be with Yoshito, I don't think Yoshito walked away knowing Ryuu was being raped. Ryuu never said anything, he didn't ask for help, and he was physically aroused, so the only conclusion is that he walked in on a pair of lovers. He probably didn't realize until afterwards.

    Chiyuri-sama August 28, 2018 11:15 am
    I hate that Ryuu somehow suddenly fell in love with the guy who raped him, it was twisted. I wanted him to be with Yoshito, I don't think Yoshito walked away knowing Ryuu was being raped. Ryuu never said anythi... YaoiLife

    In those circumstances, Yoshito's pretty dumb if he didn't realize Ryuu was being raped. It's pretty obvious based on the character's facial expressions (including Yoshito's). And especially after Shinya tries to make him put his thing inside Ryuu's mouth. I mean, what?! If that was an act lovers do, whoa! Besides, didn't Yoshito know that Shinya and Ryuu just met each other? That's pretty fast if they became lovers immediately. If you like Yoshito's character, don't make him out to be this pathetic.