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Sorry. Long personal post.

LaughingAardvark May 8, 2018 10:47 pm

A couple of weeks ago I passed out in the bathroom band landed face first on a step. I got a concussion and eight stitches just below the bridge of my nose. At least my nose wasn't broken. The scar shouldn't be that bad eventually according to the doctor but this concussion is really kicking my ass. Maybe it's because it's my second concussion. I spent a lot of time sleeping for a couple of weeks and now I'm not so tired unless I actually try to do something like cook or clean. Grocery shopping totally wiped me out. But the thing that's bugging me is the mental confusion. I thought on Sunday I was doing better because I wasn't as tired. But of the updates I've been getting since then, half of them are confusing the hell out of me. A couple of them I'm sure are the manga. I mean why would you disguise yourself as an adventurer and invade your own dungeon? But others, characters popping out of nowhere, I feel like I missed chapters though I remember reading everything that has been updated, and some I just don't understand what's going on. And in real life I forgot to pay my bills and other stuff. I just wish there was more that could be done about this than waiting for it to get better.

    Anonymous May 8, 2018 11:04 pm

    i think u should do what KGTs saying and probably go for a checkup. After a couple weeks these symptoms seem worrying

    LaughingAardvark May 9, 2018 12:16 am

    I'll do that. Last I saw him was to get the stitches out but maybe there is something he can do to help. Thanks.