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You know what I just love about the people who draw in the dicks over the censorship? They...

Ichigo May 11, 2018 3:51 am

You know what I just love about the people who draw in the dicks over the censorship? They actually take the time to decide who is circumsized and who isn't.

    Kisaki Sakura May 19, 2018 9:43 pm

    You know, your post inspired me to check circumcision in Japan. And they don't do it. So by all means there is no need to choose. But i can understand why you would appreciate it. Seeing people value details is amazing.

    Ichigo May 20, 2018 1:55 am
    You know, your post inspired me to check circumcision in Japan. And they don't do it. So by all means there is no need to choose. But i can understand why you would appreciate it. Seeing people value details is... Kisaki Sakura

    Really? You'd think some of them would do it. It's basically become a non-religious procedure for people who aren't Jewish(?).

    Kisaki Sakura May 20, 2018 9:57 pm
    Really? You'd think some of them would do it. It's basically become a non-religious procedure for people who aren't Jewish(?). Ichigo

    There are a few... like really really few who do it for medical reasons and even than it isn't done to children. It was introduced to Japan only after Europe came to trade with them in the 17-18th hundreds. It never got popular and as far as I know, even as a medical treatment. Circumcision is pretty big in the US, in lots of countries not so much. In Germany - my home country - it is considered a mutilation by many, especially as many circumcised men don't get a chance to choose the treatment for themselves. I have a friend who loath his father for forcing him to undergo the operation as a child. I can see why for some it is a treatment that needs to be done, but for those who don't really need it? In my opinion the lesser medical pros can be achieved with good hygienic care as well. Things like is easier to prevent urinal infection etc - cleaning the penis does it as well and the more severe illnesses like HIV can be prevented with a condom. so... and this is again, my opinion, I agree with the bigger part of Japan. It just isn't necessary for most.

    Ichigo May 21, 2018 1:55 am
    There are a few... like really really few who do it for medical reasons and even than it isn't done to children. It was introduced to Japan only after Europe came to trade with them in the 17-18th hundreds. It ... Kisaki Sakura

    I never understood circumcision. What is the point? If men's dick naturally have that excess fold of skin then there has to be a reason for it. Why cut it off?

    Kisaki Sakura May 21, 2018 10:39 pm
    I never understood circumcision. What is the point? If men's dick naturally have that excess fold of skin then there has to be a reason for it. Why cut it off? Ichigo

    That is my opinion as well. Apparently it is easier to clean and reduces the sensitivity. The former is not a good enough reason for me, but for those rare cases where penetration does hurt the man penetrating, removing the skin can lead to more exposure and through it to less sensitiv reactions. This would hopefully cure the guy of sex being painful. But beside that reason?
    For most is seems to be either religious, for easier hygienic care or in countries with lot of circumcision (US being part of those) it is "the more accepted look by society". Yeah, I am taking the later with a grain of salt.

    Ichigo May 22, 2018 1:41 am
    That is my opinion as well. Apparently it is easier to clean and reduces the sensitivity. The former is not a good enough reason for me, but for those rare cases where penetration does hurt the man penetrating,... Kisaki Sakura

    I know it's a big issue for sex to be painful but when I read that, I honestly thought it's unfair that men get a solution to painful sex but women have to live through the whole "pain on your first time" shit. It only hurts because dumbasses don't know how to prepare a woman for penetration.

    Kisaki Sakura May 25, 2018 5:50 pm

    I guess it is different. Imagine it hurting every time and not just once. So I don't get your point because the problem is a different one and those issues aren't related.
    It sucks that few women have fun on their first time, but it isn't a medical condition. It's mostly nerves and fear - as we are told the first time is supposed to be painful. And if you are all cramped up, of course it will hurt. And seeing as most first partners are in their teens as well, I can understand why and how they have problems to calm a girl down, especially as it is both partners responsibility to talk to each other and to communicate how they feel in the situation. If you are not ready, say so; if you want to stop, say it; if it hurts; say it.
    What we women need to learn is that we are allowed to be demanding during sex and foreplay. Sadly those things are realized much later in life. But if girls lie there waiting for the pain and not saying anything... than it is a given that the first time will turn out shit. How can our uneducated partner (because most boys know shit about females) be expected to behave properly if nothing is said. Because from my experience with girls I can say that every girl is different. And a thing that feels good to me, can be painful for the next. Sex doesn't have to hurt on the first time - but for that both have to work. And from what I gathered from friends it works like that: boys initiate, girls goes along, both assume it will hurt, girl doesn't know what to do, boy doesn't know what to do to make it better, sex happens, it hurts.