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I need Advise.

Madchaser May 11, 2018 2:48 pm

I need Advise..
There is someone who loved me so much that he break every relation he had from past 5years, the reason is each time he sees me around, it felt like he fell in love for me many times,
- Summary how that happen,
- back from 16years, he shouted to me from afar and say "You so Cool!" (i think that was a joke, before but it happen again, noted: i was the only person in the street, it can't be mistook by somebody else but me)

- When i was Walking home, He is there sitting and talking with his friend,
* Friend 1 - What type of person you like?
i overheard that he said "Someone like that Person", "Messy Hair, Looks like just got woke up from bed, Cute" (Again i was the only person in that street)

- I was buying some snack and walk home, and again he is sitting on that place, I and the Girl on the street this time, He shouted "I love You!"
* I didn't bother myself, so i walk away.
as the Girl Shouted Back.
* I love you too..
so i think it's misunderstanding (you guys Think)

- So my hair is a bit Curly, Wavy sometimes, so i decided to Straighten my hair, then that night i was with my Little Brother, walking and chatting,
He suddenly appear nowhere, and say "Oh Lou, is this your Sibling"
* My Lil Bro said "Yes"
then the Guy Added, and said to me " You Straighten your hair, Looks good to you" (I didn't butt an eye to him, or thank him for compliment but it's so unusual, he is a Freaking Playboy.)

- There is a Time, I am playing Game at Net cafe,
He noticed me, and Stood there for about an 2minutes, and came back for more, he just stood and smile there, (im so worried to myself, that time)

- I Stand by for a while in net cafe, and watching some players
and this Guy, Stand Besides me, that time he was in school chores (i don't know Parade or Something) he stand there until his classmate called him, (he stand there for about 15minute)

- There is a Time, each time he sees me, he starts acting weird,
like, being Awkward, Fidgeting, (as in Weird), sometimes he just smile on me.

- He is with his Girlfriend, and i saw them.
the next day, i heard he broke up with her.

- 3am i was about to go to Work, he stand there and Murmuring something.
and all i heard is "Love letter?"

Does this guy Likes me?..
By the way, that Guy is Mayor's Nephew.
and Also I'm a Guy, I'm so Confused!

I'm planning to get married to a Girl who would like me
for about 5years in relationship, but it never appear in my life.

but this guy, trying his best for about 16years by now
just to get notice by me, he also got all the qualification i want to a girl.
- 5years in love with me (16years he is over qualified already)
- Cute
- Clear as Sky Eyes.
- Bright as sun Smile.

or Maybe i just Misunderstood everything??......
i don't know, I'm Confused!

    Lovena May 12, 2018 2:48 am
    Yes, i'll considering that,I'll choose my words wisely. Madchaser

    Omg, love, my reply was not meant for you. I was replying to the Rainbow-unicorn user. They were needlessly rude to you when they could have just shut up and eat their food and live their best life.

    samsam May 12, 2018 10:55 am
    I already taken too much time to decide...,I want to confirm if i able to love him, Or he just making prank, oh by the way,My lil Bro and his uncle are in Relationship with benefits before and they broke up whe... Madchaser

    wow, that seems complicated. do you love the woman that you're about to marry? if you love her then go ahead and marry her .

    samsam May 12, 2018 11:00 am

    you should confront him and ask him how he feels. if you leave things hanging you'll regret it later.

    Lovena May 12, 2018 1:10 pm
    Yes, i'll considering that,I'll choose my words wisely. Madchaser

    My reply was not meant for you, but rainbow-unicorn who was being needlessly rude to you.

    Lovena May 12, 2018 1:11 pm

    My reply wasn't meant for you but rainbow unicorn