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I like the uke, he's not naggy, and he's very polite, at the very least. In other books, t...

Pervert-Kun August 19, 2013 7:04 pm

I like the uke, he's not naggy, and he's very polite, at the very least. In other books, the uke ALWAYS ALWAYS have to motherfucking chase the seme, and the seme is always made hot while the uke is plain. It's nice that it's the other way for a change. I just don't really like to read the book from thee jealous point of view unless I get what's going on.

    Pervert-Kun August 19, 2013 7:12 pm

    Also, hate semes who used to be ukes, or are cowardly, just saying.

    welp March 8, 2014 7:10 pm

    I would like to know the mangas you've read because all I've come across with are dense tsundere ukes who always deny their own feelings ignore the semes efforts and base their decisions on insecurities. They just wait for the seme to fix the issue by sweeping them off their feet while they wine about how their not gay or their not good enough or whatever else I'm not even being a wise ass u just really want to read more mangas where the uke is the one that chases after the seme! Please!