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I love you

Freak May 14, 2018 5:39 am

You can't even imagine how my smile lighted up when he said that to Beom, Ji and Beom are so frickin' cute and I love that we can see the back story from when he found out Changyeong was still alive, Beom's reactions are so cute! It really makes me want to draw some fanart, I may even say that I like this couple a bit more than the Changyeong-Mokwha relationship because Beom act's more human-like and expresses feelings really clearly. I love it.

Can't wait to see that blue haired buddy that ends up with Rino, I can imagine it being a really good season because Rino is uncontrollable and I want to see him getting tamed by his partner.... ahhhh. Let me dream, as always thank you for uploading. I hope someone can upload the rest of the chapters as I am too poor to even buy food for myself. A big, big, big thank you to the uploaders!
