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Omg... this was boring so I quit half way through, the characters and plot are too messed...

Yo May 16, 2018 12:50 am

Omg... this was boring so I quit half way through, the characters and plot are too messed up. That little boy was nothing short of annoying, I wanted to punch his dumb ass.. :3

    Eva Mark 06 June 20, 2018 4:10 pm

    Then you missed a nice story. It happens

    zaza July 18, 2018 10:42 am

    both MCs change and develop into better characters, halfway through the story... plenty of fluff between the 2 when both realise their for the plot, plz keep in mind that this story is from the 90's, so all the issues they go through might seem dated to you :)

    Amator August 22, 2019 4:21 am
    both MCs change and develop into better characters, halfway through the story... plenty of fluff between the 2 when both realise their for the plot, plz keep in mind that this story is from the 90... zaza

    Finally.... someone reminds others about the gen difference. You're literally my hero right now.