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Wait so someone tell me what happened in the last chapter

Purupuru May 16, 2018 2:48 pm

Wait so someone tell me what happened in the last chapter

    Thoroughly Scuppered May 16, 2018 3:00 pm

    So our main dude thinks the doctor who he knew from school and went home with in the other chapter went out of the area to study. But this new guy, the patient, says he studied in the area and didn't leave. I dunno what's up with the 'junkie' or 'kid he was looking for' bits, I didn't understand those. Hope this helps, I wasn't really too sure though

    Maartje2.0 May 16, 2018 4:17 pm
    So our main dude thinks the doctor who he knew from school and went home with in the other chapter went out of the area to study. But this new guy, the patient, says he studied in the area and didn't leave. I d... Thoroughly Scuppered

    I think it was. Wasn't that also the reason why he decided to go abroad in the end? Like he heard he was going to study somewhere else anyway. So he didn't oppose to his mother's ideas

    Eva Mark 06 May 17, 2018 1:36 am
    So our main dude thinks the doctor who he knew from school and went home with in the other chapter went out of the area to study. But this new guy, the patient, says he studied in the area and didn't leave. I d... Thoroughly Scuppered

    I'm not sure about the "junkie" thing, but the thing about the kid meant that the guy who didn't go abroad had kept looking for the other for all the time since they graduated from high school.