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When people like last story and I only think about his ex girlfriend... so sad.

Anonymous May 19, 2018 6:10 am

When people like last story and I only think about his ex girlfriend... so sad.

    Lilly3.14 July 24, 2019 6:31 pm

    Likewise... and when he told about antidepressant and the other said “you were worse because you left me” ..I guy you gang raped his gf...and she killed herself and then he went to prison for having punished the perpetrators... this is why he has to take more medication now... -_-

    Yuanyuanyuan January 23, 2021 12:19 am

    My sentiments exactly. Maybe because she wasn't really shown or drawn in the story, but there was mention of her. I see nothing likable about the rich twin brother, actually.

    Yuanyuanyuan January 23, 2021 12:20 am
    Likewise... and when he told about antidepressant and the other said “you were worse because you left me” ..I guy you gang raped his gf...and she killed herself and then he went to prison for ha... Lilly3.14

    Because that twin brother belongs to a rich family. Sad right. Happens in real life, too.